Monday, January 31, 2005

Midnight Ramblings

Actually, it's 2:45am but who's keeping track? I was sleeping so good and something, Lord only knows what, woke me up, and that means I am here for thelong haul. I just love it when this spinal disease plays this game with me. I like to call it, "Screw With Her Legs & Let's See if I Can Make Her Nuts" It's a game this pain in the ass disease loves to play with me and usually wakes me to do so on the average of about three to four times a month. The game goes like this: The disease wakes me up with my legs jumping so much you'd think thre was an earthquake going on in the bed. I get up so I don't wake Nancy and begin walking. I walk around the house until I walk the cramps out and by then I am so wide awake I could run a marathon. OK so that's an exaggeration...I couldn't run a marathon on my best day. Hell, I couldn't even walk a marathon, so we'll forget I even said that, ok? At least I didn't have to walk very long or very far this time. By the time I had taken a quick tour of the house, gotten some coffee and walked back into theoffice, my legs had pretty much calmed down, but I was still wide awake, so I decided to blog a while. I had posted something yesterday that I had to delete because I had all my facts wrong. I hate when that happens. But I found out that all I have to do id go to and then I can Blog it and get all the facts straight AND post my opinion to boot! Not bad, huh? I swear, the more I blog, the more I love it!
WOW! A yawn. I wonder where that came from? Doesn't matter, I'm not going to question it, I'm just gonna go with it and go settle myself back in my nice warm bed and try and go nite nite again. See you folks again tomorrow, or should I say later today. Until then, ya'll take care, now, you hear?
Happy Blogging!

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