Saturday, February 12, 2005


"All of our dreams come true,
If we have the courage to prusue them."
What does it take to pursue our dreams? I think, like it says in the above quote, that it does take a lot of courage; first and formost. Sometimes we have big dreams that look impossibly unattainable and without courage they very well might be; but if we have courage to step out and reach for whatever it is that we are dreaming for--it's not so impossible. In fact, the more we believe in ourselves, that we can reach our goals--the closer we come to making our dreams realities.
Besides courage, another thing that we need is vision. We must be able to see ourselves actually living out our dreams. If we can see it and believe it--we can achieve it.
Last and probably most important of all, we need to have the determination to keep pushing ourselves toward those dreams and never stop believing in ourselves.
With courage, vision and determination we can make the impossible happen. All we have to do is remember this and our dreams are within our grasp and the world is ours to conquer.
"The future belongs
to those who believe
in the beauty of their dreams."
Without dreams, will there be a future? Without dreams, what kind of future are we destined to have? Without dreams, where is the beauty in looking forward to tomorrow?
It is from those individuals who believe in their dreams for tomorrow that this world belongs to. For it is those very people that the rest of us are looking to for our answers, entertainment, beliefs, even our very thoughts and opinions, in some cases. We've all been told as children,that in America we can grow up to be anything or anybody we want to be-even President of the USA, if we so desire-but in reality-only the personwho believes in the beauty of his own dreams is the one that can really be the President-he's the one who had a dream so large and one that seemed so impossibly unattainable-but he had the courage, the determination and the Belief in himself to know that he could reach his impossible goal.
He remembered, he grasped his dreams and he conquered the world!

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