Thursday, January 27, 2005

A Current Event

I think I have heard it all now and either this one makes absolutle no sense to me at all or I have gone and lost my noodle years before I had planned on losing it. Here's the story: I was sitting at home this evening channel surfing when I came upon "60 MINUTES" and decided to stop and see what the show was about. They had this guy on there who is in prison, in fact was due to be executed today. This guy is a confessed, convicted murderer of at least 8 women, whom I understood that he brutally murdered and I believe also sexually molested. Anyway, this guy was sentenced to death for his crimes. No problem, so far, right? I mean the guy CONFESSED to killing all 8 women and even told where he had hidden or buried (I'm not sure which) the bodies. Anyway, this guy is ready to quit all appeals and have his sentence carried out, now that it has been ten years since the verdict. The problem is that there is this public defender who has decided this this guy does not have the right to say that he wants his sentence carried out and says this is nothing more than "state-assisted suicide." This Mr. Do Good has taken it upon himself to go into court to have this man declared incompetent so that his death sentence cannot be carried out because he is against the death penality. Excuse me? What am I missing here? The murderer has been SENTENCED to death, has been waiting for his sentence to be carried out and now the this time has come, it can't happen because of some lawyer who wants to make a name for himself goes into court and says the convicted man is an idiot because he wants justice carried out! Granted, it is unusual for the convicted person to be in favor of having his sentence carried out, especially if that sentence is death; but nobody went into court and said that Martha Stewart was incompetent to go to jail because she was ready to have her sentence carried out and finished WHILE SHE IS APPEALING HER VERDICT! Why do courts even hand down death sentences if they are going to allow some yahoo to come in at the eleventh hour and stop it? These people say that the death penality is cruel and inhuman punishment. In my view, life in prison is cruel and inhuman punishment; to have more than a thousand people (men or women) crowded together in dirty, cramped jail cells to live out the rest of their lives. When is some dope going to say that incarceration is cruel and inhuman treatment? Where do we draw the line? When a person is given a sentence for a crime, I believe it is our duty to see that the sentence is carried out in a timely manner. This sitting on death row for 30 and 40 years is ridiculous! So many people have said after dear old Scott Peterson was given the death penalty that he would never see it carried out. Then WHY was that jury forced to sit in that jury room for as long as they did and agonize over that decision when it was never going to be carried out in the first place? What's the point of doing that to good, law abiding citizens of this country who are called to do a service for the judicial system of sitting through a 6 month long trial and then having to deliberate not only the evidence to determine his guilt or innocence, but then to have to upset themselves even more by having to deal with a death penalty that will never be carried out? That's CRUEL & INHUMAN PUNISHMENT for people who have done nothing to break the law, but in fact have gone out of their way to try and help! This is a messed up judicial system we have here. And as for this guy in prison waiting for his death sentence to be carried out so that the families of his victims can have some closure and some peace (those were his thoughts, not mine) I commend him for his courage and his attitude at accepting responsibility for his actions. It's strange to see, too because most prisons are full of innocent people (if you ask the inmates.) But this guy...he did the crime and he is willing to do the time and this do good lawyer trying to get his 15 minutes of fame should be disbarred and imprisoned himself for sticking his nose where it does not belong. He reminds me of the woman who bitched and moaned until she had prayer taken out of our schools. It's people like him that need to be stopped before they do some real damage to this world.

And for what it's worth, that's just my humble opinion.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here's how I feel. I think people in prison that have done the crime should pay. I feel people on death row should be shot without a blind fold on, in front of a firing squad the day after the verdcit is given. Save us tax payers millions of dollars. I feel anyone convicted of molesting or raping a child of any age. Should be shot without a blind fold in front of a firing squad. I would gladly stand in that firing squad line. I could care less about the condition they have to live in while there. OUr system sucks. There are innocent people in prison, which fortunately now with DNA testing are getting out. Lawyers are a joke. They fit in the catagory with crooked, lying politicains. They would get Charles Manson out if it meant $$$ in their pockets. Prisoner have it too good. Outdoor playground, libraries where they can study their own defense. They should be stripped of all rights and comforts. Maybe when they got out they wouldn't want to ever be in a situation that would send them back. But no, many go back to a place to sleep and 3 meals. Those mothers that killed their children. What in the Fuck are they doing still alive in prison?? Anyone ever hurt my children or grandchildren I will personally kill them and gladly spend the rest of my life in prison for it knowing that justice had been done. I don't know much about things but this is a subject that pisses me off. Kill them and clean out the prsions. Give them a message that they won't have another chance to commit crimes again b/c their asses will be deceased from this planet. I won't even go into the OJ's of this world. But money does buy everything doens't it.
