Saturday, January 29, 2005

Just For Fun

I originally wrote this on August 4, 2004. I am publishing it here because not only it is a subject that I feel strongly about but it is actually a pretty decent article. I hope you enjoy it.

This morning on the news I heard that part of what Lt. Lindy England was saying as part of her "defense," if there is any at all, as to why the Iragi prisoners were tortured and humiliated the way they were and then had insult added to injury and had them photographed, was that it was "just for fun." just for fun!" I can almost not believe what I was hearing at the time. Torture was fun? How can that be? What about torture can be fun? What am I missing here? Is there something wrong in my make-up that I cannot see the humor in torture and humiliation?
At least this time she is not trying to make us believe that she was "obeying an order." So, I suppose I have to give her some credit for being truthful there and not passing the buck onto someone else for her own part in the whole horrible mess. It was "just for fun" for all of them and she was man enough to admit it. So, 3 cheers for big bad Lt. England.
I have also seen the articles that state that what the Lt. and others did were only the very same things that Saddam himself did to his own that makes our United States Army exactly like this "great" man. We have so much to be proud of. What a role model for our armies. Gee, we should have been holding up this barbaric way of treatment for our POW's for the last several hundred years instead of wasting all the time that we did establishing the Geneva Convention.
Lt. England and her cohorts acts were no different than those of Saddam's and what saddens me is that when we arrive at that point where we come to believe that our actions are acceptable because of the actions of some barbaric murderer than we have become a sick and a sad society. And now there is a trial, trying to decide weather or not to Court Martial her. I say the question is not weather or not to Court Martial her but rather what other charges can be legally brought against her and her partners in this horrible crime. These few people, who are not fit to be called soldiers, have not only destroyed the names of the branches of the armed forces of the United States of America, and have embarrassed our entire country beyond measure, they have brought immeasurable shame to their family and friends and left the rest of us good, God-fearing, law abiding, loving, decent people, who have a conscience, with hearts broken for these poor frightened prisoners of war. I have often wondered how these people have been sleeping at night knowing of the horrors they have committed and I can only pray that they, every last one of them, get the punishments that they so richly deserve here on earth. But no matter what happens in that court room, I have the peace of knowing that our God does not sleep and the time will come when they will have to stand before the Lord and answer for the heinous crime. I'd like to see then if Lt. England says that she did it, "just for fun."

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