Friday, March 03, 2006

My Friend, Jimmy Gillenwater News for Dallas, Texas Obituaries

I really hope this is the right link that comes up. I am using the "Blog This" dealie on the Google bar and if it's put the wrong thing in I am going to be some ticked off. What is supposed to be here is the obituary for Jimmy Gillenwater. I still can't believe that Jimmy is gone. It's still like I am dreaming. When I woke up on Tuesday morning, one of the very few mornings that I slept late because I am always, always up by 6:00 AM if not earlier, but anyway, when I did finally wake up, Nancy was just walking into the bedroom and she had the strangest look on her face and she walked right over to the bed and sat down. I looked at her for a minute and then I said, "What's wrong?" And she just looked at me. Suddenly I got so scared. I could tell something was wrong. I wanted her to tell me, but then I didn't want her to because it was like I knew that when she told me, my life was never going to be the same again. You know that feeling, right? Finally, I looked at her again and I said, "Nancy, whats wrong? Is it my kids?" She shook her head no right away and then she said,"I have something to tell you, but I don't want to tell you because I know it's going to upset you really bad." I waited for a minute and then she said, "Jimmy died last night." Nothing registered. I went completely blank. I guess I must have had a blank look on my face as well because finally she said, "Cindy's Jimmy. Jimmy Gillenwater." I looked at her like she was completely nuts and I said, "NO! You gotta be kidding me. Whats the matter with you? Why are you telling me something like that?" And then all of a sudden I just remember screaming crying saying something like I didn't want my friend to hurt like that. And then a few minutes later I sat up and said again that it could not be true, that I had to talk to Cindy and find out why Nancy was playing this horrible joke on me. Nancy started telling me what had happened and I told her that I just didn't believe her because I had talked to Cindy just last night and had heard Jimmy in the background and he was making me laugh like he always does. She said that they had been watching tv, sitting on the couch and then he stood up to go to the bathroom and he looked at her and said, "Cindy, my heart just stopped." And he fell over. She called 911 and they worked on him for more than an hour but could not bring him back. She said he fought so hard. Now I don't remember if it was Nancy or Cindy who told me that part, but I was like in a state of shock. None of this was making sense to me. This was Tuesday morning and it's Friday night now...she buried him today. I just read his obituary in the Dallas Newspaper and for some strange reason I still don't believe it. I have tried to talk to her everyday and see if I can make it seem real to me, but it still doesn't. Even yesterday morning when she called me and was hysterical, crying telling me that she couldn't do it and the physical pain was so bad, I understood just what she was talking about, but I couldn;t believe that she was actually going thru it. I think I have got to see her. She told me that she wants me to wait until everybody has left and she is alone before I come and I can understand that. That is what she did for me and that is also when I needed her the most, but for me, I need to be with her now. I don't know how she waited like she did when I lost Bud. I mean I am happy that she did, but I don't know how she did it. I have called her a million times, e-mailed her a million more and have written her a letter that is sitting here and I already have a card ready to go in the mail and another one to write out and put in the mail on Monday. I am either nuts or obsessed.
I need to c & p this obit because it's not going to be here too long either. Let me do that.

James Patrick Gillenwater

GILLENWATER,, JAMES PATRICK Devoted, loving husband and father passed away February 27, 2006 He was born September 27, 1949 in Hillsboro, Oregon.. He was a Vietnam Veteran., He married Cynthia Robin Foil on June 27, 1981 in Portland, Oregon. At the time of his death he worked as a Sr. Systems Engineer for Ellacoya Networks. He was an accomplished musician. He was preceded in death by his mother Zella , sister Cathy and a son James. He is survived by his wife Cynthia of 24 years, Son Kent, Daughter Jennifer . 2 grandchildren Ryan, Emma. Siblings Terry, Randy , Everett, Greg , Orville, Joe, Diana, Marie, Becky, and Shelia . He Served the Lord, his country and his family with the utmost devotion, strength, and love. Memorial service will be held March 3, 2006 at Arlington Baptist Temple, 3434 South Collins, Arlington,TX. Viewing for family and friends will be begin at 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Service will start at 1 p.m. Followed by a Graveside service at 2:45 held at Dallas/Ft Worth National Cemetery.
It's a beautiful tribute to my friend. I know that Cindy made him so proud of her. But then she never stops amazing me. She has always amazed me and I just don't understand all the people whi have trouble getting along with her or understanding her. There is not a kinder or more gentle person alive, not since Jimmy died...not anymore. Cindy now is the kindest, most compassionate, most considerate human being on the planet. He used to be, but now she has to carry that torch.
She'll do it with grace and dignity, too.
OK Jimmy, where's my sign, Honey? I'm still looking for it, by the way. Cindy promised you were going to send me one today and I looked for a butterfly all day long. Was it something else and dummy me missed it? Don't tell me that you sent me some ashes that I missed somewhere along the way today! That would be just like you. You know you have to put things right out in the open for me! I'm going to give you another shot at it tomorrow when you are not quite so busy. You should have all your hello's done by then. But then you never could walk into a room and get on with it, now could you, so how can I expect you to enter Heaven and worry about sending me a sign way back here? I'm patient...most of the time, to a point, within reason. I'll give you another shot. Go say hi to my hubby and I'll talk to you again soon. You take care of business up there now, you hear me? I love you, my friend. And I promise you I'm going to take care of Cindy. I swear it.

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