Sunday, March 19, 2006

Election Committee Has Gone Mad!

March 15, 2006
Don't Be Silenced!
The elites have become afraid of you. Whether they are in Washington, Moscow, Beijing, Paris or Sydney, the political and media elites are afraid you will eventually know too much and say too much. Which is why they are determined to control the Internet in whatever ways they can.
Tomorrow afternoon, the U.S. House will vote on the Online Freedom of Speech Act (H.R. 1606). We strongly urge a "yes" vote, as do organizations such as Gun Owners of America, National Taxpayers Union, National Right to Life Committee, Family Research Council, National Rifle Association, and American Conservative Union.
H.R. 1606 is needed because federal courts have ordered the Federal Election Commission to regulate "electioneering communications" on the Internet because of the Bipartisan Campaign Finance Reform Act (McCain-Feingold). If H.R. 1606 fails to become law, your Web site or blog could be shut down for the 30 days prior to a primary election and the 60 days prior to a general election should you express "electioneering communications." And any political e-mail you send during those times supporting or denouncing a candidate could also be disallowed.
So, grass-roots political activism will be silenced. But the media elite, such as The New York Times, won't be muzzled because they are exempt as members of the "official press." They will be allowed to continue writing editorials about various candidates, but you won't have approval from the State to say a word.
By the way, The New York Times has an editorial today urging a "no" vote on H.R. 1606.
The vote will be held tomorrow afternoon. Please urge your U.S. representative to vote "yes" on H.R. 1606.
Send Your Message
Kent Snyder
Posted on March 15, 2006 at 05:17 PM

The above post was taken from the blog of THE LIBERTY COMMITTEE. In my personal opinion, and I hope in yours as well, this is an OUTRAGE!!! First of all, it is a violation of our very basic freedoms. Has Senator McCain and this other yahoo, who's name escapes me at the moment because I am so upset, not read The First Amendment to the Constitution of The United States of America?!? If 4th grade history class was correct in what it taught me, that First Amendment gave us all the Freedom of Speech! That means that as Americans we have the right to say, write, think, and sing whatever we damn well please, WHENEVER we damn well please and nobody can do a DAMN thing about it. SHUT DOWN OUR WEB and BLOG PAGES?!? I THINK NOT! Are we actually going to allow this?? I, for one, plan on writing my representatives in Washington and informing them that if they even think for one minute about supporting this rediculous garbage that they will not only NOT get my vote come next election but that I will do everything within my power to ACTIVELY see to it that they are not re-elected. Senator Dole and Senator Whatshis name are very good at ignoring me when I write to them, as they have done it several times already; a fact that I plan on reminding them when I write about this. But I will also tell them that if they choose to ignore me on this issue, I can promise them both that they will be extremely sorry because I do plan on making horrible, ugly noise over the vote to take away my basic rights of freedom of speech! It is utterly rediculous and if anyone of us stands for it, we are endorsing a communist state. Is that what we want? People, if we do not stand up and be heard on this one, then we just as soon lie down and let them have their way on all of it, because we have then lost the entire war.
Think about it.

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