Friday, February 22, 2008

The Presidential Election

For the life of me, I can't figure out what's wrong with most of the people in this country. Is it me? I don't understand how so many people can get behind this Musslim fool that's running for Presideant. Do poeple not realize that he can say whatever it is that he tinks people want to hear and then once he's in office he's going to do exactlythe opposite? People are yelling now about the government wanting to take God out of everything. What do they think this Musslim is going to do? He doesn't even BELIEVE in God! He bows to a MUSSLIM GOD! What more proof than the fact that he placed his hand on the Koran when he was sworn into the Senate, do people need?
He hides his middle name, which is HUSSAN from people. He refuses to acknowledge his radical Musslim step-father. He says that he was educated in Catholic schools. Come on, TWO years in a Catholic school does not consitiute an education. Where was he educated after that? He was educated by his radical musslim father in musslim schools, for craps sake!
Yes, he has good ides. Yes, he says all the things we are wanting to hear. But honestly, can we trust him? If anyone can say that they trust this Musslim to lead this country, then I am as afradi of them as I am of this liar. I would not trust this jerk any farther than I could throw him.
He has zero experience. He's been a senator for what? All of two years? before that he has never even led a Boy Scout troop and yet he believes he can run this country! Give me a break.
I'll admit I might not be the brightest buld in the carton, but I'm smart enough to know that if this nut is elected we will be worse off than if we allowed The Idiot to stay in office.
It's obvious, by the polls, that not many people agree with me, I know. I've always felt that the popular vote should be the one that counts, but in this case, if this guy is elected by popular note, then I hope and pray that the Super Delegate are smart enough to nominate Hillary for the Democtatic party. At least she HAS been there and DOES have the experience needed to run the country. She's the smart, no nonsense, hard hitting, tough talking kind of person we need. You don;t have to like her personally, but you have to admire her spirit, her tenasity and her spunk. I doubt there is a leader in this world she could not stand up to. Osama Obama looks like he could not stand up to his 3 year old.

This is my opinion and for now, this is still a free country. But if Obama is elected, we can kiss our freedom good bye. He'sll set women's rights back 200 years and I have no doubt that before it's over, he'll have us wearing long black robes and covering our faces. Don't misunderstand. I con't give a hoot that he's black, but I DO care that he's a Musslim. That bothers the hell out of me and it should bother every person in this country.

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