Monday, February 11, 2008

Just Overwhelmed

I am so overwhelmed right now, with my life, with my house. OMG, this house is dirtier than it has ever been since I have lived here...and trust me, it's been pretty bad. But this mess beats all. I've never seen it where every room is such a disaster that it looks like a tornado blew up in it. And besides, just messy, it's downright dirty. Get down to the nitty gritty dirty, I mean. And I just do not have the strenght, the inclination, ir the motovation to do a damn thing about it. What is it with me? Why can't I seem to get with it? I get so tired of this same thing, day after day, and then it just gets worse, that I don;t know half the time weather to shit or go blind. Some days going blind sounds pretty goo to me, ya' know?

I really want to get my shit together and get busy and clean this house. I know it would make me feel better to sit back and look at it if things looked decently. I just don;t know why I can't seem to get moving on it. I think about it, God knows I talk about it, but I just can't seem to get the old body moving on it. Makes me nuts.

Now we find out that the hot water heater needs to be replaced to the tune of $650.00 Nice, huh? How are we supposed to manage that one? Life is just lovely some days, isn't it?

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