Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Our Irresponsible Press

I am appauled and so disappointed in the media in this country. We are, in my opinion, some of the nosiest people in the entire world and the media only feeds this sick obsession. I don't understand why we feel that it is so important to know everything about celebrities, poloticians and any one else that happens to be in the public eye. It's none of our business what goes on behind the closed doors of these people. I wonder, how many of us private citizens would appreciate the media poking through our garbage, standing outside our homes and taking pictures of us every time we walked out the door. As private citizen we would not stand for it. Why should these people have to endure this kind of scrunity?

I'd also like to talk about his presidential election as an example of the irresponsible media. It's not the people that are going to elect this next president. It's going to be the media. They get on television and these news anchors start flapping their jaws and making their personal predictions and interjecting their personal views and then the public percieves it as fact. Right now, Hillary Clinton's victory's, the media is saying that she shuld bow out. Now, why in the world, after winning 3 out of 4 states, should she bow out? Because the media says so? This is so ridculous. The media is supposed to REPORT THE NEWS and nothing more. They are NOT supposed to sit up there and play god and interject their personal beliefs and then have the public percieve them as fact. It makes me nuts to think how many poeple are going to listen to some "[olitical analyst" and decide that he knows what he is talking about. It's all speculation and should be seen as such. This is complete, out right, blaintent, irresponsibility and they should all be ashamed of themselves.

If, back in 1963, the media were as in your face as they are today, John kennedy wouldnot be the man that everyone wants to quote and be compared to. John Kennedy was the worst kind of womanizer and had more women in and out of the white house than any other president to date, yet we did not know this because the media respected his privacy and would have never thought of exposing this behavior, if they even knew about it. Today it seems that anything goes and I believe it is an awful practice.

It is because of the nosey media and their need for money that Princess Diana is dead; that her sons had to grow upwithout thir mother. The press in this country has ruined more lives than it has helped and I think it is a terrible shame and an injustice to the people they are supposed to serve.

I know all about the free speech laws we have in this country, howeve, I still believe that some limits must be set on the press in this country. They need to respect other peoples privacy and their right to it. We ALL need to remember to treat others as we would like to be treated and this includes the press.

I would love for someone to turn the tables on these horrible people and start snapping pictures of them at every move, take pictures of their children as they leave for school or play on the playground. They would not stand for it for one second, and yet this is exactly what they do to other innocent people simply because they have made a movie or are on television.

Really, who gives a hoot weather Angelina and Brad are having a baby or not? It is no ones business but their own. I heard Sharie Shepard on The View say that we are invested in these peoples lives. We are not INVESTED. We are simply too nosey for our own good. And I belive it is reprehensible and should be stopped!

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