Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Trial starts for man accused of killing girl |

Trial starts for man accused of killing girl |

Another senseless killing by another no count, so-called "boyfriend" of another woman who has no more business with children than a homeless person has use for a Spa Membership. What is wrong with this generation of woman? What is wrong with this generation period when it's acceptable to kill our children? And now this poor excuse for a human being has the nerve to go into a court room and plead "not guilty" to capital murder for what he has done! Why? because as a child he was never made to take responsibility for his actions, so why take respinsibility for them now? "Well, he cried and he didn't mean to do it" And I am paraphrasing his attorney, who, by the way, should by ashamed of himself for defending this monster. Oh yeah, but he has a right to a defense. And where were this child's rights when he killed her? Wasn't she given the right AT BIRTH to be given a good, decent, SAFE life? Her parents...BOTH of them are responsible for giving this child those things and because they failed to protect her, they should also be held accountable.

This story does not mention the child's father. I wonder, is it because her mother does not even know who he is? Or does he not know who he is? There has to be some accountability there as well. Something MUST be done when a woman becomes pregnant out of wedlock. We cannot continue to allow these children to remain as possessions of these young women to be treated or mistreated in any manner they wish. It's time we protected our nations children.

I don't have the answers. I wish I did. But I can most definitly identify the problems; our country is running rampant with them. Too many of our children are being killed, raped, and maimed by sicko's such as this and "Registered Sexual Predators" are also still killing our kids. Until we all take a stand and LOUDLY and STRONGLY INSIST that our government take strong measures against these people, the maddness will never stop. It's way past time to stop this maddness. It's time we saved our kids. It's time our voives were heard.

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