Friday, April 29, 2005

Asking For Arch Help

I went and registered at Rosie's site. Rosie is so cool. I love her. I left a post on her comments and did the unthinkable. I actually broke down and asked her if she would help with Promoting Arach Awareness. Well, I wasn't quite that specific even. I just asked if she would help. I told her that we needed her and that people respected her, which they do, and that they would listen to her, which they will.

Man, it would be so cool if I actually heard from Rosie, although I know I never will. But could you actually imagine how cool that would be?? Imagine, just imagine if Rosie actually DID call me one day, out of the blue and say some thing like, "Yeah, I looked at that web link you gave me and this disease is really awful and I want to help." I would be so blown aay I would probably be able to RUN!! I mean how awesome would that be?!? I've done some really weird things on a whim before but this is probably the weirdest. Not that it matters because I know for a fact that I will never ever hear from Rosie O'Donnell. But it was a nice fantasy for a few minutes! LOL

Yep, for a little while it was a really nice fantasy!

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