Friday, April 29, 2005

Bush's Hatred

I don't usually use this blog for bitching, but this is a great place to get my point across and I definitly have a point to get across.

Once again I am pissed off at our President, a man that I desperately wanted to see elected, only here lately for so many reasons, I have been wondering why. My latest gripe with our commander-in-chief is the fact that he is a terrible hypocrite and a promoter of hatred. I'll bet, right away there are people who don't agree with that and are wondering what I am talking about. I mean, Mr. Bush is always pushing family love and values and unity throughout America. Well, right there is where he is the hypocrite. This man, who is supposedly pushing family love and values is only interested in HIS kind of family. We are all aware that this country is made up of MANY different kinds of families, but if you are not of the TRADIDTONAL family, Mr. Bush does not consider you a first class citizen and does not consider you entitled to the rights and freedoms of the rest of America.

There are millions of non-traditional families in this country. Good, loving families who have a lot to offer children who have no family. Children who NEED a family. But our government has made it impossible for these non-traditional families to provide homes for these children. Homosexual copules are not allowed in many states to become Foster Parents. Mr. Bush apparently believes that NO parents are better than good, loving homosexual parents. Does he actually believe that homosexuality is contaigous? Did homosexuals get it from their parents? Somehow, I doubt that. Does he actually think that? Is he that stupid? Does he think that homosexual parents are going to push this lifestyle on children? Now, thats about the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard of, but something that a politicial is about silly enough to believe. I seriously doubt that ANY parent, hetrosexual or homosexual would choose a homosexual lifestyle for their children or their foster children, for that matter.

This country is in deep, deep trouble, when a man who is intelligent enough and trusted enough to be elected President of the United States of America, believes that a child is better off with no parents than she is with a good, loving, caring set of parents, who's sleeping habits just happen to be a little bit different than the mainstream. This is a person who is supposed to be leading this country and teaching all citizens, by his example, to accept all people, without prejudice. I am so ashamed of the horrible hypocrite we have elected to the highest office in the United States in America.

Children are our future and the last place that any of them belong is in some institution, especially when there are caring, loving people ready, willing and able to give them a home. How sad for us, how sad for George, but most of all, how sad for these poor children.

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