Friday, April 29, 2005

Bush's Hatred

I don't usually use this blog for bitching, but this is a great place to get my point across and I definitly have a point to get across.

Once again I am pissed off at our President, a man that I desperately wanted to see elected, only here lately for so many reasons, I have been wondering why. My latest gripe with our commander-in-chief is the fact that he is a terrible hypocrite and a promoter of hatred. I'll bet, right away there are people who don't agree with that and are wondering what I am talking about. I mean, Mr. Bush is always pushing family love and values and unity throughout America. Well, right there is where he is the hypocrite. This man, who is supposedly pushing family love and values is only interested in HIS kind of family. We are all aware that this country is made up of MANY different kinds of families, but if you are not of the TRADIDTONAL family, Mr. Bush does not consider you a first class citizen and does not consider you entitled to the rights and freedoms of the rest of America.

There are millions of non-traditional families in this country. Good, loving families who have a lot to offer children who have no family. Children who NEED a family. But our government has made it impossible for these non-traditional families to provide homes for these children. Homosexual copules are not allowed in many states to become Foster Parents. Mr. Bush apparently believes that NO parents are better than good, loving homosexual parents. Does he actually believe that homosexuality is contaigous? Did homosexuals get it from their parents? Somehow, I doubt that. Does he actually think that? Is he that stupid? Does he think that homosexual parents are going to push this lifestyle on children? Now, thats about the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard of, but something that a politicial is about silly enough to believe. I seriously doubt that ANY parent, hetrosexual or homosexual would choose a homosexual lifestyle for their children or their foster children, for that matter.

This country is in deep, deep trouble, when a man who is intelligent enough and trusted enough to be elected President of the United States of America, believes that a child is better off with no parents than she is with a good, loving, caring set of parents, who's sleeping habits just happen to be a little bit different than the mainstream. This is a person who is supposed to be leading this country and teaching all citizens, by his example, to accept all people, without prejudice. I am so ashamed of the horrible hypocrite we have elected to the highest office in the United States in America.

Children are our future and the last place that any of them belong is in some institution, especially when there are caring, loving people ready, willing and able to give them a home. How sad for us, how sad for George, but most of all, how sad for these poor children.

Asking For Arch Help

I went and registered at Rosie's site. Rosie is so cool. I love her. I left a post on her comments and did the unthinkable. I actually broke down and asked her if she would help with Promoting Arach Awareness. Well, I wasn't quite that specific even. I just asked if she would help. I told her that we needed her and that people respected her, which they do, and that they would listen to her, which they will.

Man, it would be so cool if I actually heard from Rosie, although I know I never will. But could you actually imagine how cool that would be?? Imagine, just imagine if Rosie actually DID call me one day, out of the blue and say some thing like, "Yeah, I looked at that web link you gave me and this disease is really awful and I want to help." I would be so blown aay I would probably be able to RUN!! I mean how awesome would that be?!? I've done some really weird things on a whim before but this is probably the weirdest. Not that it matters because I know for a fact that I will never ever hear from Rosie O'Donnell. But it was a nice fantasy for a few minutes! LOL

Yep, for a little while it was a really nice fantasy!

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Trial starts for man accused of killing girl |

Trial starts for man accused of killing girl |

Another senseless killing by another no count, so-called "boyfriend" of another woman who has no more business with children than a homeless person has use for a Spa Membership. What is wrong with this generation of woman? What is wrong with this generation period when it's acceptable to kill our children? And now this poor excuse for a human being has the nerve to go into a court room and plead "not guilty" to capital murder for what he has done! Why? because as a child he was never made to take responsibility for his actions, so why take respinsibility for them now? "Well, he cried and he didn't mean to do it" And I am paraphrasing his attorney, who, by the way, should by ashamed of himself for defending this monster. Oh yeah, but he has a right to a defense. And where were this child's rights when he killed her? Wasn't she given the right AT BIRTH to be given a good, decent, SAFE life? Her parents...BOTH of them are responsible for giving this child those things and because they failed to protect her, they should also be held accountable.

This story does not mention the child's father. I wonder, is it because her mother does not even know who he is? Or does he not know who he is? There has to be some accountability there as well. Something MUST be done when a woman becomes pregnant out of wedlock. We cannot continue to allow these children to remain as possessions of these young women to be treated or mistreated in any manner they wish. It's time we protected our nations children.

I don't have the answers. I wish I did. But I can most definitly identify the problems; our country is running rampant with them. Too many of our children are being killed, raped, and maimed by sicko's such as this and "Registered Sexual Predators" are also still killing our kids. Until we all take a stand and LOUDLY and STRONGLY INSIST that our government take strong measures against these people, the maddness will never stop. It's way past time to stop this maddness. It's time we saved our kids. It's time our voives were heard.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

One Person Can Make A Difference

I watched Dr. Phil this morning as I often do on weekdays and while I'm happy that I saw the show it made me very angry. Angry to the point that something has to be done. Angry to the point that I've decided that it's my responsibility to do something about it. Angry to the point that I will do something about it.
Dr. Phil's show this morning was about bullies in middle school. This show hit a little bit too close to home. Bullies in middle school is exactly the problem we have been dealing with this year with Braxton. Bullies are the reason that Braxton has gotten in trouble this year and had fights. Bullies are the reason he has been picked on.
The school does nothing to stop it. The school does nothing but punish both the kid doing the bullying and the kid on the receiving end. This does not solve the problem, nor does it help the problem, it does not even delay the problem. All this does is get the problem documented. But whats the good of getting the problem documented if the bullying gets carried too far and the child being bullied finally cracks and does the unthinkable, like a child did on the show this morning and took her onw life? Did the school do anything? Absolutely not. They told the parents that kids will be kids! Even after knowing what this child was put through day after day.
From our own experiences with bullying and dealing with school I can say that I have no trouble believing what this poor woman on Dr. Phil's show said, because when I called my child's school about his being bullied, I got basically the same reaction. "Kids are just going to bully." Well, I have decided, after watching the show this morning, that that answer is no longer acceptable. And the next time, and I have no doubt that there WILL be a next time, I will NOT accept their solution. Their solution will be to punish both Braxton and the other kid, no matter who started it and no matter what Braxton did to defend himself. Well, that policy will no longer be acceptable with me. I have let him take the wrap for the other kids way too long, and it's not going to happen any more.
I'm going to Dr. Phil's web-site and I'm going to get his information on school policy's and the Bullying Pledge and the policy for schools. I'm going to insist that Braxton's school impliment this policy. I'm going to insist that they put everything they can into this campaign. If I have to beg Dr Phil and Jay to come here I'll do that too. But I'm not going to sit by quietly any more. Something is going to be done.
I think it is the responsibility of every parent who has a child in middle school, because thats where bullying runs rampant, to make it a personal mission to find out about bullying in your childs school. I challenge every parent of a middle schooler to insist that your childs school have a policy on bullying and to see that it's implimented and followed! It is up to us to protect our children. But it's a sad sad state of affairs when we find ourselves protecting them from one another. That's when you know you are living in a sick soceity.

Monday, April 11, 2005

Sometimes We Never Learn

I believe that every parent tries their best to do the best job that they can possibly do when it comes to parenting their children. But no matter how hard we all try, none of our children comes with a set of instructions and very often, even though we do our best, we make terrible mistakes. Those of us that have more than one child are well aware that no two children are alike. Even twins have very different personalities and what works for one child rarely works for another. Quite often you can have two children raised in the very same atmosphere who turn out to have completely different values and ideas by the time they reaach adulthood. There is an old saying that children always come back to the way they were raised and while we would like to believe that is always true, simply put, it's not. Sometimes they grow up and decide that they want no part of what you, as their parent, taught them. Sometimes they grow up and you don't even recognize them as the same child that you raised. As a parent, that's not always your fault. In my opinion, rarely, it that a parent's fault. Once your child reaches a certain age, or certain place in his life, your influence on his diminishes drastically. At some point in every child's life, usually in their teen years, you, the parent, begin to learn all about your lack of intelligence. Simply put, you leanr how stupid you are...your teenager tells you daily. But, most kids, as they get older realize the rebellions of their teen years and in their early adult years turn back into that person that you raised and when that hapens you realize that your job as a parent was a successful one. But sometimes, no matter what you do, no matter how hard you try or how much you love that child, something happens and he or she just does not grow up and have the values that you tried so hard to instill into them. They have their own ideas as to how they want to live their life, they have their own ideas as to what is right and usually everyone is wrong, but them. This is heartbreaking to you, as a parent. But there is nothing that you can do about it. There is nothing that you can do to change it. When your child reaches a certain age, when they are no longer a child. you hve to learn first, to let go. Secondly, you must learn that you re not responsible for the adult that child has become and therefore he or she must stand on their own. Up until this point they have more than likey done everything in their power to hurt you; they have drained your heart, your bank account and your trust. They have told so many lies they can no longer recognize the truth and when confronted with it, it sounds to them, like pure figments of your own imagination.
Your priority now, has got to be preserving your own sanity. If you know in your own heart that you hve done everything that you could have possibly done for this child of yours to try and bring him or her back into the family fold, to be the responsible adult, to accept the resbonsibility for the wrong they have done, and nothing has worked, then you must protect yourself and any other children you have. You have got to put this child in God's hands and allow Him to deal with his life from this point on. Tough love is the only love that you've got left to give to him. Tough love is all thats left.
Speaking much more personally, now, that is what I have finally done. And I am much MUCH better off for it. After I walked the floors and cried for more nights than I want to remember, I finally got the courage to hand him over to the Lord. I said out loud to God that I had loved him with all my heart for the last nearly 28 years. I had done my job and I had done it to the best of my ability. Yes, I have made mistakes, but i have admitted each mistake I have ever made and taken the blame for some that I haven't...but you'll do that and more for your child. I told God that now it was His turn to love Him and care for him and to watch out for Him. The old saying is that god protects fools and drunks. I pray that includes drug addicts as well. I believe it does. And an addict is most definitly a fool. My poor child needs the Lord watching out for him desperately. God can help him so much better than I and I kno He has been dealing with him for a while now. Robbie knows it too. Maybe that is why he is fighting so hard to continue to rebel.
"Lord, I beg You to please stay with him and keep him safe within Your loving arms, in jesus name I pray. Amen"