Sunday, March 20, 2005

My Two Cents Worth...

I guess since everyone else seems to have something to say on this Terri Schiavo situation (for lack of a better word) I'll put my two cents in, as well. But before I say one word, ket me state that this is my opinion and like everyone else, I am entitled to that opinion whether you agree with it or not. Anyone who reads this is more than welcome to comment, but let me remind you before you do; this is my playground, so please, keep your comments to a polite nature. Please remember that I am a person with feelings, just like you are. This is a hot button issue, folks, and everyone who has an opinion, feels strongly about that opinion. I understand that. You very well may not agree with me and that's fine, you have just as much right to your opinion and feelings about this subject as I do; but please respect my opinions just as much as you want me to respect yours. Remember that you are a guest here and I am unviting you to leave a comment...act accordingly in my home. Thank you and now, on with the show!

I'll begin my little tirade my saying that I am livid that congress has the aduasity to think that they have any right to stick their big fat noses into this in the first place! Just who in the hell do these people think that they are? Our parents, for God's sake? Just where does the government of this country get off at thinking that they have the right, for one minute, to insinuate themselves into a matter that is a private family matter? I maean, EXCUSE ME?!? I think that the last time I looked we ere still living in America, the land of the free, the place where we have our very own rights and freedoms; or am I mistaken and have we been wisked off in the middle of the night to some third world country where there is some who-doo leader thinking he has the right to tell everyone of us just when to come inout of the rain? Whether Terri's husband is right or wrong to remove her feeding tube, at this point is a moot point. The first order of business is that congress needs to be monding it's own damn business! Don't they have enough petty business to be conducting? They honestly do not need to be sticking their noses into something that first needs to be left to a family and secondly is WAY over their heads and out of their expertiese. Not a one of them is educated enough, sympathetic enough or informed enough to be making any decisions even close to this caliber. These bunch of idiots need to be sticking to doing what they do best....they need to keep working on passing legislation to build bird houses in gated communities (as I read recently they were doing someplace) or other such important issues such as that. You know, things in thier area of expertiese, just nothing too brain straining, certainly not anything as important as deciding someone's fate based on a moral issue for God's sake! What in God's name would a bunch of Senators and Congressmen know about morals and integrity in the first place? If any one can give me an intelligent answer to that question, I might change my views, but I seriously doubt anyone can find 10 moral legislators that even have integrity in the whole of Capitol Hill! I'll tell ya what...let's make it 5....I'll make it easy on you.

As for whether or not Terri's husband is wrong for wanting to end her life, I can only sympathize with this man. He has been through so much and my heart breaks for him. I believe with all my heart that his wife told him before she ever had that heart attack that she never did want to be kept alive by any artificial or heroic means, and I seriously doubt that she would want to live as she is today. Would you? Would anyone? I know that I wouldn't. The one thing I would love to have the opportunity to do would be to stand in front of Terri mother and look her in the ey while I asked her if she, herself would want to live if she were int he exact same state that Terri were in and had been like that for the past 15 years. I am willing to bet my life on her answer being, "No, I would not want to live like that." I believe with all my heart that Terri's mother loves her daughter and is wanting to keep her alive for her own selfish reasons. She knows her daughter is so out of it that and has no clue of what is going on around her that she is not suffering. If she were suffering, she would want a completely different outcome to this story, that's another thing I am willing to bet my life on. I've seen the same clips as everyone else, That poor woman sits there looking for all the world like a helpless little puppy while she is being teased and played with like she is some sort of baby there for her mother's enjoyment and pleasure. But what kind of life is this for Terri? What is Terri getting out of this besides being her mother's teddy bear? I am amazed that any mother would want to watch her daughter, day after day reduced to this, compared ot he vibrant, beautiful woman she was fifteen years ago.

It amazes me that this woman would want to spend all this time, energy and money fighting this, when she should just go to that nursing home, spend some quality time with her daughter and then kiss her goodbye and let her go and finally be with the Lord and at peace for once and for all. She was not put on this earth to be her mother's grown up baby doll, nor was she put here for the entire country to have a huge fight over. Yes, God did allow Terri's life to mean something and perhaps He is showing us now just exactly what He wanted all of us to learn from Terri's life. To me, I think God is wanting us all to understand that sometimes having mercy is the best thing we can have for a person and that it just might be time to re-visit euthanasia, if Congress is so insistant on becoming involved. And then again, I could be wrong about all of it; that is very possible. I am certainly not God and I don't have a clue as to what His motives are here. But one thing I am sure of and that's that legislating Terri's life is wrong and no matter how you look at it or how you word it, anytime the government gets involved in what should stay a private family matter it is wrong and as Americans, we just should not stand for it.

And that's my two cents worth.

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