Thursday, March 10, 2005

"When They Are Little, They Step on Your Feet

....and when they grow up they step on your heart" My mother-in-law used to tell me that and no truer words were ever spoken. As parents we try the best we can to do the best job we can with our children. Very few parents ignore their children and let them just drag themselves up. I know some parents who let their own parents raise their kids and I know parents who, after their children are grown and don't turn out the way the parents want to think that they should, put the blame someplace else...even on their own parents saying that they were "brainwashed." But there are some of us who are actually willing, more than willing, to take responsibility for the way their kids have turned out and even wonder for years just where they went wrong. That's the situation I am finding myself in these days. Where did I go wrong with this one child of mine? This kid was raised just like the others were, was loved just as much as the others were, was given just as much as the others were and yet this kid wants to blame every bad break on the fact that childhood dealt dirty blows. This kid had a terrible mother, this kid was "thrown away," this kid was knocked around, this por kik this and this poor kid that. Truth is, this "poor kid" routine is just that, a "routine." This is no more a "poor kid" than any of my other kids and yet, the others have turned out just fine, have no problems with Mom, are not jealous of their siblings, not even the one who is constantly getting all Mom's attention, money, love and everything else because of the "poor kid" routine. And everyone that the "poor kid" comes in contact with has come down on Mom because the poor kid has fed them so many "poor mistreated kid" stories and they are all so convincing and so believable, that people who have known Mom for years and years have suddenly turned on her and now believe her to be a horrible person who has always hated this child of hers. She "threw him away for no reason at all." I couldn't understand throwing away a child in the first place, under any circumstances. But then today, there is a lot of things I don't understand.

I don't understand people who say they care about you lying to you and turning on you so quickly. I don't understand people who say they know you, misunderstanding something you have said and not telling you that they didn't understand what you said, but instead taking offence and getting angry and thinking it is their place to "teach you a lesson." No one has a right to teach another grown person a lesson. Parents are supposed to teach children lessons. People who call themselves friends have no right to be teaching you lessons. Those are not friends, those are simply people who believe they are better than you lording that fact over you. And some people are so dumb they just don't see it.

I have heard that with wisdom comes understanding. If that is true, then wise will be very enlightening.

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