Thursday, May 08, 2008

My Blog...My Opinions

And boy do I ever have opinions! But they are mine and since I can say whatever it is that I want to say here, tonight I am going to talk politics and my views. Well, not all of my views, tonight I am going to talk about how I feel about this presidential election and try to get a few things off of my chest. I am more involved and more passionate about this race than I have ever been about any other race in my life. I voted in my first ever primary this year and I was so upset about it because of my stupidity. I am ashamed to admit it, but eight years ago I was so gung-ho on George Bush that I actually registered as a Republican. My grandmother would flip over in her grave if she knew that. but the worst part about it was that since I never did change it I was not allowed to vote for any Democrat in the primary. Thankfully it will not matter in the general election, however that may be a moot point. And being upset about not being able to cast my primary vote for Hillary Clinton definitely did not keep her from winning in North Carolina. I am so ashamed to be living in this state.

As I am sure you can tell by now, I am a passionate supporter of Hillary Clinton and strongly against Barrack Obama. In fact, I am so against Obama that there is no way I would vote for him in the general election in November, should he be the nominee, which it looks like is going to happen. The "super-delegates" are beginning to jump ship as we speak. Every night on the news I seem to hear about more and more of the delegates that were pledged to her switching to support Obama. I don't understand it, I don't understand it, I DO NOT UNDERSTAND IT! And she keeps going. She is like the Energizer Bunny...she just does not stop. How can this NOT tell this country STRONG things? How can so many people not understand and not see that her perseverance means something?! She would work even harder for this country if she were to win this election. And the DNC has GOT to be the stupidest organization that was ever in existence! These guys make rules that make NO SENSE at all! And it is because of their stupid rules and regulations that John McCain is going to be the next president and we will have four more years of George Bush politics.

It is a sad sad day for America and the only day that will be sadder is going to be January 20, 2009 when John McCain in sworn in to office. The only light, my only satisfaction is knowing that in four years Hillary can come back and win the election then, because I seriously doubt that Barrack Obama would have the guts to try it again.

And now, just to get this off my chest I am going to say all the things, once and for all, that I cannot stand about this man and why I feel that he would be the most horrible choice for President of the United States. The first thing that bugs me about him, although it does not seem to be important to anyone else is that he wants to change our national Anthem to the Coke-a-Cola Theme and he has said pubically that he does not respect the United States Flag! I'm sorry, but I feel that those are two very important issues. How about the fact that he gets very upset when someone mentions his middle name? He keeps talking about change, but so far all he has said was what he wanted changed, nothing about how he is planning to change them. And his naive ideas of changing Washington are ridiculous. He starts by saying that one word can "change a person, and if it can change a person, it can change a room, and if it can change a room, it can change a city, and if it can change a city, it can change a state and if it can change a state it can change a country, and if it can change a country it can change the world!" GIVE ME A BREAK, PLEASE! This guy needs to get a grip and back up to changing a person! He can't change MY mind, how in the hell does he think he can change a whole world, for God's sake? He's been in Washington for all of 2 whole years and he is going to change everything for the better. And a brass band is going to junp out of my behind and play "Who Da Thunk It" too!!
Yes, I do get worked up over this, I know.

The following quote is from today's Los Angeles Times and it says:

"I just think it's a really dangerous thing for the Democratic Party to now go back and say, 'Well, [Florida and Michigan] broke the rules, but on the other hand, we need them,' " said R. Keith Roark, the Idaho state party chairman and an uncommitted super-delegate to the national convention. "If they were being used, they'd be used to deny the nomination to an African American who followed the rules. It's inconceivable to me that we would want to do that," he said.
What this tells me is that if Obama were not an African American, the DNC would not have a problem with allowing Fla and Michigan to be counted. If that is the case then wouldn't it suggest that Senator Clinton is being treated  with prejudice? It sounds to me like the DNC is afraid that they would be accused of being racist if they were to count those two states. How about Senator Clinton yelling the same thing in this particular case? Why does it seem like it's okay to be unfair to a white woman but not to a black man? Was it Senator Clinton's fault that Florida and Michigan held their primaries early? Is she the person who set these things up? Who was responsible for when those primaries were held? For my own satisfaction I would like to know the answer to that question. I mean somebody has to be accountable but it is the voters who are ultimately paying the price for whoever was at fault here. And that is completely unfair. Did this guy REALLY have to use the African American phrase? Why does someone ALWAYS have to play the damn race card? I am so tired of that kind of hiding tactic. And that is exactly what it is. If they can't find a good excuse to do something or to not do something, they automatically toss in race and it is sickening! What did some crack pot in the DNC do....go run out and look for the FIRST black man he could find just to fight Senator Clinton? it is really beginning to look that way to me. And it makes me wonder who is Obama going to be answering to if he should win? Is some fool in the DNC going to announce before the general election that if Obama does not get elected that it will be because America is prejudiced? You know, it would not surprise me one bit!

Another thing struck me. If all of the super delegates that have started out supporting Senator Clinton would not have switched she would have probably had enough to have won the nomination already! And they keep talking about splitting the party. Too late and as American's we don't care! Those of us who are so passionate about Senator Clinton will NEVER vote for Barrack Obama! It's that plain and simple. And an Obama-Clinton Ticket will not do it either. A Clinton-Obama Ticket would do nicely with me and that's a MUCH more logical choice anyway. Let's give the person with the MOST EXPERIENCE the top job. Let Senator Obama have 8 years to learn and then he can run.


Mark my words here, you heard it nominate Obama for the Presidency is putting John McCain directly in the Oval Office. Watch and see.

This is a P.S. to this story, months later....Okay, clearly, as the election has shown us all....I was dead wrong on this call. However, there is one point that I don't believe that I was wrong on. Mr. Obama has been in office for nearly one year. He has not kept his promise of bringing our troops back home in 6 months. In fact, he's sending more over there. And while he is trying, or seems to be trying to get his health care reform passed, that's not happening either. He's basically been in campaign mode ever since he's taken office. Personally, I believe that he is so overwhelmed with the job that he does not know which end is up. I mean let's face it, it's a HUGE job and he clearly did not have any earthly idea what he was getting himself into. (Okay that's just my opinion...but my blog, my opinion). I still do not believe that he was the best choice for the country, but I promised that I would take a wait and see attitude. So I am waiting and seeing. So far, I am not impressed.

but I'm a big enough woman to admit when I am wrong and I was wrong when I stated that he would never get elected. Not only did he get elected, he had a pretty big margin, if my memory is correct. I know it was a bigger one than I ever expected, that's for sure. 

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