Saturday, September 13, 2008

A Lesson I've Really Learned

Throughout most of my life I have heard the same things as the rest of us have about the in-equality between the sexes but it has never been more obvious to me until this year's presidential election. Like most of the rest of the country, I am not only extremely interested in the outcome of this election but I am passionate about the candidates and the issues. To be completely honest though, what I am truly passionate about is my pure hatred of the Democratic Nominee. It even scares me that I am able to feel that emotion and feel it so strongly about another human being. After all, no matter what my views are, Mr. Obama is still a human being and it does bother me that I am able to hate as passionately as I do. This guy scares the living crap out of me. I honestly believe that if he is elected president life as we know it here in the United States is going to be over. I do not trust one thing he says and even the sound of his voice grates on my nerves like fingernails on a blackboard. Okay, there! I have admitted it.

Up until 2 weeks ago I had planned to basically throw my vote away. I had every intention of writing in Hillary Clinton. I have believed from the start that she would make an incredible president and I am amazed that the idiot Democratic Party refused to see that. I am also convinced that the head of the DNC, Mr. Howard Dean, has a personal vendetta against the Clinton's, for some reason that I don't even care about, and that he did everything in his power to make sure that the Democrats had another choice....even if this choice is a completely ill-equipped, inexperienced, nobody, who came from no where and suddenly raises gazillions of dollars and says absolutely nothing. It also completely amazes me that so many in this country are so willing to follow this guy, who has proven nothing, and place our country in his hands. At first I thought there had to be something wrong with me. Surely I was missing something important and that's why so many people are thinking he is the greatest gift to mankind since the Messiah Himself. But as I listen to the issues and really listen to what the candidates have to say I am even more bum-fuzzled. I am so way NOT the sharpest knife in the drawer. I know that there are many, MANY people in this country that are so much smarter than me and I can't help but wonder what makes all of these otherwise intelligent people be so completely stupid! The things I know for a fact...and not just speculating on are that if elected, Obama will pull our military out of Iraq, before they secure victory, and that is going to make matters SO much worse than they already are. Don't get me wrong. I have been against this war from almost the start. I say almost because in the beginning, like most of the rest of the country, I wanted my pound of flesh after the horrific terrorist attack on September 11, 2001, so I was thrilled that Bush was ready and willing to go after the bastards. However, along the way, like most of the rest of the country, I was yelling for him to pull our guys out and bring them whatever cost. I have since gotten a lot better educated and can see the HUGE mistake it would be if we were to leave before the job was done. So, like McCain, I think we need to stay until we finish, no matter how long it takes. I also know that if Obama is elected, the roughly $30,000 profit that my daughter made on the sale of her home would be taxed at 28%. Come utterly ridiculous is that? How can any middle class person sell their home and then pay at 28% tax on the profit? Is that really looking out for the middle class? Not in my book. Yes, he is going to raise the child deduction on our income tax and his increase is larger than the one McCain is proposing. But as Obama is giving it to the middle class with his right hand, he is taking it away with the left. Our gas taxes, our food taxes and our taxes on everything else that we pay for at the cast register is going to increase. And this is for EVERYBODY, not just those making over $200,000 per year. Obama is going to give us national health care. Excuse me, but I am disabled and live on disability and Medicare. I've seen the "help" I got when this Medicare Part D came into effect. It has messed up every senior citizen I know and everyone I know on disability. Obama is not talking about giving us the same plan as he enjoys in the Senate, as Hillary was proposing. Oh no. Under his plan, I heard someone say, that we would then have as good a health care plan as all the other third world countries. When he can come to me and say that I will be able to enjoy the exact same benefits as he does in the Senate, then I'll accept his universal health care plan that he has talked about but never said one concrete word about. But I am getting way off track from the original reason I was posting in the first place.

This is definitely a man's world and that has never been more clearly proven than when Senator McCain picked Sarah Palin to be his running mate. This woman has been asked some very insulting questions that if she were a man would never be asked in a million years. I am so disappointed in Charlie Gibson that I can't see straight. And until tonight, Charlie was one of my most favorite news people. I dare him to ask Obama or McCain or Biden how they plan to raise a family while being in office! He asked if it was a sexist question and I am here to tell you that DAMN RIGHT IT WAS! I would also like to hear him as George Bush himself what the "bush Doctrine" is. I'd bet dollars to donuts that even George has no clue what it is. Yes, Charlie, it was a "gotcha question." And you should be ashamed of yourself.

If you listen to the politicians, according to the Republicans, Mrs. Palin can do or say no wrong and if you listen to the Democrats, she can't walk and chew gum at the same time! She does nothing right and says nothing right. It's all so disgusting. And Obama is the person who BEGAN the hate ads and the smear ads, but he wants to get all upset when the McCain people respond in kind. The American people (at least the ones I know) do not give one hoot about your smear ads or cut throat campaign tactics.

I have to say that I am enjoying watching Osama Obama quake in his boots for the last 2 weeks. I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall when Obama found out just who Sarah Palin was! It is so obvious to ALL Americans that this guy is running scared! Oh yeah, I love it.

I do, by the way, have several more comparisons on the two candidates, but at this moment, naturally I can't recall them off the top of my head. I am not as quick as Sarah! (And you have to admit, the lady CAN speak on her feet, without a speech, unlike the Democratic nominee. If Obama does not have a teleprompter in front of him the most he gets out is "uhm, err, uhmm, err" I've not heard stammering like his since my three year old was having a problem with shuddering!

It does me good to get some of this off my chest. I've been way too passionate about this crap for way too long. It has to end soon. And between now and then, I plan to pray everyday that enough of the American people will wake up and come to their senses and see that this yahoo is no more ready for the White House than I am. people, come on, you can't be so stupid that you are so easily led by a charismatic speech! I expect this garbage from Oprah, but from real people? You can vote intelligently and still be an Oprah wanna-be; although why you would want to is beyond me. But hey, to each his own. Who am I to judge? ROFL Contradiction in terms, I know. But since this is my blog I get to do that. You can go to your own blog and contradict anything you want to, there. But here, please folks, you are welcome to disagree, but please lets not let ourselves start sounding like the candidates and start name calling. Let's save our name calling for the politicians and not each other.

So, until the next time I get my panties in a wad, I'm off again!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.