Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Learning As I Go

....and boy am I learning a lot of different things! Not only have I learned, or am I learning how to run this buxiness that I have going on, but I am also learing about people and how rude, and wishey washey they are. I have had so many people promise to call me back and then I never hear from them again. I just don't get that, either. What is so hard about telling a person, "No thank you, I am not interested." Instead of telling them that you are going ot call them back and sign up and all that garbage, when they know damn good and well that they are not going to call you. TOnight I got screwed because I was being nice to this bitch! GRRRR that's what really ticks me off to the max! I could have had the bitch signed and sealed, but here I was like a dumb ass worried about her being uncomfortable so I offered to let her get home and then call me back. I am not the idiot who told her to leave home in the middle of the presentation in the first place! I swear, I am really ticked off at this person. What a RUDE bitch she is and I have half a mind to tell her how much she has ticked me off. But whats bothering me so much right now is that I am THIS angry! I guess maybe it's because I have had it happen to me so damn many times! It pisses me off to the max when somebody sasys they are going to call me back and then I never hear a frigging word from them. I swear, I am going ot tell the next person who says that they are going to call me back, that I know they are a bald faced liar! I wonder how that will make them feel? I don't give a rats ass how it makes them feel. I am pissed and for good reason.

GRRRRRRRR If thios woman were to call me right now I am afraid that I would lose her because I would tell her off about what a rude bitch she is to have left me hanging like this. I have half a mind to call her and leave a message on her recorder about how rude she is. I had better shut this computer dowm for tonight.

Good night!@

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