Sunday, September 11, 2005

Remembering 9/11

I know that most everyone in our country today is thinking about that terrible morning four years ago when those airplanes crashed into the world trade centers and then into the Pentagon and then into that field in Pennsylvania...and we learned that it was a terriost attack, in our own country, with our own planes. How could such horror happen in our country, right under our noses? Then we began to learn how this terror happened. We learned that the government had been warned, but ignored the warnings. We heard of FBI ineptness. We were told that Saddam was behind the attacks. We were told that he was hiding weapons in his country. So we investigated. No weapons of mass destruction were ever found. But still, our government insisted he was hiding them and he must attack. So finally, we did just that. And after several years and countless loss of life, there are still no weapons. We have been lied to. We have invaded a country that quite probably never did attack us in the first place, seeing as all the terriosts were of Saudi Arabian nationality, not Iraqui. But it's the Saudi's that are the friends of our President's. Those are the people he flew out of their country before the attack on Iraq to protect them. And now gas prices are at an all time high; those same friends that our President has protected are making millions and millions of dollars selling oil to this country. And our President is still protecting them. And this morning, on the anniversary of the attacks on our country, while the relatives of the victims of the people who's lives were lost in the Trade Centers and in the Pentagon and in that field in Pennsylvania are honoring their husbands, their wives, their sisters, their brothers, and their children, Bin Laden has sent us yet another threat to terrorize our country...and our President continues to lie to us.

Our dead deserve a better legacy than this. Our children deserve a brighter future than this.

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