Friday, August 19, 2005

Taking Advice

Ya' know, you have to be careful when you take advice from another person. I didn't always know that and if someone told me to do something, didn't matter who it was or what they told me to do, I would do it. For nearly 50 years I've just sat around and waited for somebody to tell me what to do. I've been the best little order taker in the whole world. I've always figured that if I did that and things screwed up then it wouldn;t be my fault. I always had somebody to blame. Not bad in theory, right? But you see, you have to follow your own heart, not somebody elses. You have to dowhat YOU think is right for you. Even if it turns out to be the wrong thing in the end, that's ok. It's not the end of the world. If it's a mistake, it's YOUR mistake...not somebody else's. Who care's who gets the blame? You just get up, dust yourself off and go again. I told 2 people recently that I am like that damn energizer bunny, I just keep going and going and going. They both agreed that was a good thing too. Sometimes, I don't think that it is, but most of the time I agree with them. It's just lately that I've been having a huge pity party. I've been told that I deserve it. Maybe I do. And if so, I just might party for a little while longer, too.

But back to the advice thing. I DID take some advice tonight. Just a few minutes ago, in fact and I feel so good about it. Nothing will probably come of it and that's ok; but right now I feel so good about what I did, it's worth nothing coming from it and hey, who knows? For once I just might get my pound of flesh instead of me always being the toilet for a change. I know revenge is wrong and it's not my job to get back at anyone or get even or any of that stuff. I know that I am supposed to take the high road and turn the other cheek and let people get their justice on judgement day and all that religious stuff. I really do believe in all of that sentiment. But I also cannot help wanting to cause a whole lot of embarassment and trouble for those jerks at West Lee Middle School for knowing the my kid was being bullied and harrassed the entire year and not doing a damn thing about it, too. Sorry, but I'm human and I have this side to me that likes to actually SEE justice done every now and then. People get away with way too much in thes world and hide behind way too much CRAP and I am sick of it. And when someone hurts my kid, I kinda tend to take it personally and it quite literally PISSES ME OFF. So, if I can do anything at all about it, I usually will.

Somewhere, either in this blog or on another one I have vented about the entire mess with West Lee. Last night while I was talking to Rebecca, she suggested I contact the ACLU. I figured I didn't have a case at all because all of it was my word against theirs. Well, tonight I was talking to Braxton and got the biggest gift. Turns out that when the boys locker room thing happened, the PE teacher, Mr Williams, broke up the fight and sent the boys to Mr.s Fraizer's office. The very SAME Mr. Fraizer who told me on Friday, August 5, 2005 that he had never seen my kid in his office for a discipline problem the whole year and he knew nothing about the fight in the locker room when all the boys surrounded Braxton. I was so happy! I sat myself down right away and dropped a letter to the NC chapter of the ACLU. And if that doesn't turn up anything, I just might drop an e-mail to The Sanford Herald and WRAL. Yeah, I just might. But first I am going to give the ACLU a week or so.
Nancy did call Fraizer back on Monday after he refused to see me and tell him he hadn't heard the last of this. So I am going to pray, just a little that this nice lady emails me back and tells me to call her or asks for my phone number or at least the details. I would love to see a look of terror come across Paige Murphy's face if he were to read a letter or better yet, get a visit from the ACLU.

Yeah, just once, I'd like NOT to be the toilet, ya know what I mean?

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