Tuesday, August 02, 2005

More From Our Double Talking Embarassment of a President

This jerk the American people have elected to a second term as President of the United States has gone and embarassed the country yet again by defending one of his crooked friends, reminding me of the Clinton administration with the exception that when the Clinton's got their hands dirty, they at least had the decency to admit it, after a fashion, whereas Mr. Bush will never admit that he made a mistake. But then I seriously doubt that this dictator thinks he makes mistakes.

My latest beef with the man is Raphael Palmero. Palmero curently is a baseball player for the Orioles and before that he played for the Texas Rangers, hence, Mr. Bush's love affair with him. A year and a half ago when Jose Conseco's book came out, naming Palmero, among others as a steroid user, Palmero said that Conseco was a liar and that he had NEVER used steriods and that Conseco was ruining his career. Palmero has since then been up for the Baseball Hall of Fame. Two months ago Palmero tested POSITIVE for steroid use. That's right, positive, meaning he had steroids in his massive body. His answer to that? He used steroids "by mistake." He actually expects intelligent people to believe that he used steroids by MISTAKE! And the best part of this is that one and a half years after our president made a strong speech against steroid use and said that there was NO excuse for steroid use among atheletes and that we MUST rid our sports of steroids at all costs, had the nerve to say that he believed Palmero's ludacrist story, that he used steroids by mistake.

Give me a break. To say that he used steroids by mistake is equvalent to saying that the dog ate his homework. It just does not fly. And for Mr. Bush to dignify that stupid comment and giving it credibility by saying that he believes him is in effect calling every American stupid, and it makes me sick.

George Bush is running this counrty like a high school clique and we, as intelligent, adult Americcan's MUST put a stop to it. And we have to fo it noe. We need more politicians who are not so afraid of him that they will go up against him and even over is head, if necessary over each and every decioion he makes or there will be more and more of his double standard dictatorship.

This is beginning to border on idiocy. How can he come out in public and say something as ridiculous as "I believe him"? How can anyone with half a brain believe that a grown man, supposedly with some intelligence take steroids by mistake?

What's next, Mr. Bush? Why not have the Air Force shoot down Santa Claus for violating the White House's air space?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I say we impeach the frat boy now.

Seen in our town's streets last week.

the President

Remember all the
the President bumper stickers?
This is the new version...