Saturday, October 31, 2009

Bringing it all up to Date

For the record, it's been a long time since I have written to any one of my blogs. That being said, I have also decided to finally put all of my blog posts together in one blog and I've decided that it's going to be here that I put them. So from here on out, I believe this will be my only blog. It's time that I made things easier on myself and I've also outgrown that need I had to have a blog on every site that offered one. And apparently, this is my favorite blog site since I have chosen to use this one. Could be it's my favorite because this was my first blog, or it could be because I like the name of this one the best, or it could even be because this one seems to be the easiest for me to get to. I don't know and it's not really important anyway. It's just all going to be here from now on. When I get it all moved over here is another story. I have no idea. It will happen when it happens.
A whole LOT of stuff has happened in my life since I have written last and I'll get that caught up, too. One of the reasons that I have a blog is to keep track of what's going on in my life and the things that have occurred. I also write about my thoughts and my feelings, and what it's like to live with arachnoiditis. Once of my blogs, on another site, is called "Disabled and Bitchin' About It." For a long time that was my favorite site for several reasons but some months back somebody over there (it's on Mo'Time) got the bright idea to change things around and give it a new web address in the process. I hate it now. Everything is written in Spanish, I think, or some foreign language and it's damn near impossible for me to even get to it. So. I'm dumping it...if I can ever get back to it, that is. I would like to save the posts that I have over there, too. Hopefully, I'll be able to do that. Another thing that I like to write about a lot is my opinions on what is going on in the world. God knows I have a lot of opinions and I love to express them, too.  So, from now on, I'll be expressing my opinions here, in "Life Lessons...." In fact, opinions are what has brought me here tonight. There's some stuff going on in the news that's got to bitch, so here i am. If you're reading, sit back, get comfortable and have a listen. And if you'd rather not, you know how to navigate away from this site.

How about if the first opinion I express is my happiness, no...pure elation at the BAM-JAM AWESOME season my boys down in the Bayou are having this year! I am so proud to be able to say that my New Orleans Saints are on the biggest winning streak the city has ever seen and are, at this very moment a 6-0 team!! They are getting ready to play this coming Monday Night in the Dome, hosting the Atlanta Falcons, so I predict there will be some BIG TIME bird cooking going on down south. Oh yeah, I am a happy, happy woman. And it's not luck. Nope, luck has nothing to do with it. It's skill, pure and simple. They are outplaying every team they have met so far this season and are finally getting some respect from the National Football League and the rest of the sports world. Yeah, I am a proud and happy woman. I hope they are able to keep up this awesome record and if so, who knows? Maybe, just maybe all of us loyal fans, who have been hanging in there with them since the franchise began in 1967 will finally get what we all so richly deserve. This team has all the makings of a Super Bowl winning team at the moment and if they are able to continue playing at the level they are now, they will most definitely go on to be a SUPER BOWL WINNING TEAM come early 2010. Oh how sweet it would be!
Moving on, I got my panties all in a wad this evening when I was watching television. I was watching The Joy Behar show and she started talking about and showing clips of Levi Johnson, this snot nosed kid who fathered Sarah Palin's  illegitimate grandson, run his mouth spreading lies and gossip about the former Vice Presidential Candidate. I cannot for the life of me understand why the news shows and the New Magazine's are wasting time giving this kid any credibility at all. Well, wait a minute, I can understand why they are doing it. It's for the controversy factor. It's to help him spread his gossip. But I am here to say that it is irresponsible on the part of the adults who run these shows, to be paying one second's worth of attention to this kid who is doing nothing but running his mouth because his 15 minutes of fame are worth more to him than any future relationship with his son that he may have.
The only thing I can figure, and granted, I am only speculating here because I have no way of knowing the real story,  he is upset with the Palin family because during the Presidential campaign he was asked to put on a suit and a tie and to act like a responsible young man who was planning on doing the RIGHT thing by the young woman that he irresponsibly made a baby with. The idea that no one in the campaign wanted to give the impression that the candidate's daughter was stupid enough to get mixed up with a complete idiot, so they asked him to clean up his act. And because he didn't like that idea he has chosen to try and get his 15 minutes of fame by going on any television program who will have him and spreading a lot of lies and a lot of made up stories about the candidate and her family. It's obvious that the people who are listening to him are the same people who were terrified that the Republican's just might get into office because any one with any sense is not listening to this fool. It makes me so angry that this stupid kid is more interested in telling half-truths and more than likely out right lies than he is in protecting any relationship he may have with his child.  Have you HEARD what this fool is spouting? It is beyond ridiculous and  it makes me nuts! The boy is too stupid to realize that he is talking about his child's grandmother. How does he think this kid is going to feel about him when he is old enough to hear the things his father has said about his grandmother? Doesn't this little fool realize that the most important person in this mix should be his SON; a son that he has obviously chosen to turn his back on. (Again, I don't know that as a fact, I am simply making a common sense judgment).  It would seem that  if this child were important to him he would be doing more to make sure that this little boy grew up in a happy, healthy tension- free environment and not one of arguments,  and public arguments, at that.  Can you just imagine the tension this child is going to be subjected to when his parents and God forbid, his Grandparents have to all be in the same room together? And the flip side of that is that the child will NEVER be able to experience any part of his life where is mother and father are with him together. I mean I would hope that after the things this boy has said about her mother, that bristol would stay as far away from this fool as humanly possible. For that matter, what kind of an influence is this boy going to be on his son? Surely, he can't be a positive role model for  going on national television and spreading terrible gossip about the child's grandmother. Of course he is going to fill the kid's head with this same garbage. If I were Bristol I would not allow the fool within 10 miles of that baby! 
This boy's level of pure stupidity simply amazes me. Does he not have anyone is him life to shake him by the shoulders and force him to wake up and look at what he is doing to his child in the future? Is everyone around him more interested in spreading gossip and trying to do nothing but see how much they can hurt a person? Apparently, everyone around him is either as outright stupid as he is or else they are all just brain dead.Levi Johnson...what an outrageous fool! Add his name to the ever growing list of outrageous fools who are gracing the news these days. Only put his name at the very top of the list.
There are more things on my mind that I would like to bitch, moan and complain about, but in all truth, nobody cares. People really only want to hear the outrageous stuff, the things that would shock. You won;t get that here. You'll get my occasional rant, like you have just heard, but mostly, I hope, you'll get some positive, loving things that I have to say about the people in my life. There are many loving, good people in my life and I am blessed to have them. I am hoping to take a lot of time heaping the love and the praise that they so richly deserve on them. Yep, I am hoping to put a lot of that in here.
So, while I re-vamp my blog here, you, my adoring public (yeah, right! HA!) sit back and patiently wait. Surely something good will be coming down the pipe live very soon. Until then, I hope you are able to occupy yourselves with other, much better blogs on the internet (if that's your thing).
Honestly, I don't write to be read. really, I don't. I write only to fulfill my own need to enjoy this passion I have for writing. No, I'm not any good, as I am sure you have figured out by now. I write about as well as I sing...and for the unlucky few who have been unfortunate enough to hear me on karaoke night that can attest to that, I offer my sincere apologies. Just remember, no one is forcing you to read this garbage. But I certainly appreciate those of you who can suck it up long enough to put yourselves through it. You have my undying gratitude.
Oh, a very good thing happened to me very early this week and I am very happy about it. I was able, with the help of a very dear friend and with the help of Facebook, to begin to get re-acquainted with an old friend from high school. I could not be happier about that. I have thought about this woman many times over the past almost 35 years and I am looking so forward to catching up with her and to keeping in touch with her. In fact, I think that I am going to close this and go shoot off and e-mail to her, just to remind her that I am here, looking forward to catching up.
I'm happy that I got started on this. I've been wanting to sit and do a "blog post" for a long time now. And maybe now that I finally have, I will continue to post more often and will soon get all of the posts, from all my other blogs, all together here. Life will be a lot simpler for me then.
And for the typo's, please accept my sincerest apologies,
The Typo Queen!

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