Monday, January 14, 2008

What Am I DOing?

OK here goes, About a week or so ago, I can't remember the exact date, but I got a letter from a guy on My Space. He seemed nice, said he was looking for someone to spend his life with, since he's been alone for 8 years. He seemed really nice so, not to be rude, I wrote him back. I told him very general stuff and was also honest and told him that I was not sure if I was looking for a relationship, that's not what I went on My Space for. Well, the letters continued and almost right away this guy let me know that he wanted a life with me, or at least to explore that possibility. He offered to buy me a laptop because I mentioned that my computer was acting up. Naturally, I would not let him, but I have a feeling that if I asked for anything he would give it to me. I have told him that I would like to meet in New Orleans to meet. I thought that I would want the protection of my children, ya know? Anyway, the weird turn of events is that I find myself thinking about this guy and actually wondering what a life with him would be like. If I compare it to what I have now, it's almost no contest, however at least I know what it is I have now, even though it's not the greatest situation. I don't really know what life would be like with William. I also worry about moving Braxton yet again! My God I have moved that child around so much, especially lately. Since Bud died we moved to the apartment, then to here, then to New Orleans, then back to here. And before we went to the apartment in Laplace, he was living all over the place, or should I say, from place to place, but never with me. OK so he is probably over what happened almost 6 years ago, but what about just last summer when we took off for New Orleans only to turn around four months later and return? I sure could not move him for a while, yet, for some reason I am feeling some urgency. Of course I KNOW that I have to wait and get to know this yahoo MUCH better before I take off half cocked and do yet another stupid thing. I think I just need to continue to write him and see if I can get to know him better and take it from there.
This could be the beginning of huge changes in my life. Yes, I have said that I wanted change, so I guess I am off on some wild journey. I wonder where it will take me.

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