Friday, December 21, 2007

Christmas Miracle

The atmostphere here lst night got a little bit on the strained side for a while. My feelings got hurt when I iverheard Nancy talking on the phone with Linda and when I walked into the room she cahnged the subject. It upset me, not because she was talking about Braxton; that did not bother me at all. What bothered me was that she was attempting to hide it from me. We can't be open with one another if we are going to play games like that. I told her that I have not been feeling very much like this is my home. And that's not a good feeling. After I told her how i was feeling we did have a good little talk and things are better now. I just pray that they stay that way. We have been having a kind of silent argument over Braxton and the time that I allow him on the phone. Nancy believes that it is too much, but I disagree. braxton has never been a kid that was on the phone before and now that he has this lkittle girlfriend, naturally, he wants to spend every waking minute on it. My thoughts are that as long as his grades are not falling and as long as he gets off when I tell him and does not sneal, then I don;t have a problem. Nancy wants him regulated to 30 minutes a day. I'm sorry, I just cannot agree with that and in the beginning when she was telling him that it was time to get off, I had to tell her that she was crossing a boundry. Braxton and his telephone time is my territory and it is up to me to regulate it. I think that she allows Brittany to spend too much time her when Ashley is here, but I don't say anything. She and Ashley get in the bedroom and whisper about things and I never say one word, yet she wants to acuse me of whispering with Braxton. This is high school crap and I am not up for that. Ashley is coming today to stay until after Christmas, roughly three weeks or very close to it. It's not going to be easy on me, but i plan to be a grown up about it. ALthough when she starts getting away with the very things that Nancy bitches about Braxton is might be hard for me to keep quiet, but I want to very much. I refuse to play those games with her or any one else for that matter. I know that I am very emotional right now. It's Christmas time and I have no money and that always puts me in a sour mood. I'm away from my children and that puts me in a sour mood as well. Nancy has trouble understanding this because her family is right here. SHe is in her home, so she does not see things a lot of time from my point of view. One thing that I asked her to do last night was to try and see things from where i stand and it was after that when she came in and apologized to me, so maybe she is trying to see things from my point of view. I hope so. Life will be so much easier for us if we both can try and see thigns from the others point of view.

I'm looking for a Christmas Miracle. I've been looking for a Christmas Miracle. Does anyone happen to have an extra lying around that I can use?

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