Sunday, July 23, 2006

Telephone Scum

This is a post that can also be found on My Space: Eurekabud's House. I wrote this last night as I was sitting at the computer doing my telemarketing job. I think it's good enough to post here as well. Enjoy!

Sunday, July 23, 2006

The lunatics are out in full force again tonight. What is it about certain males that cannot resist the urge to make an obscene phone call or just feel the need to talk filth to any unsuspecting female that they find on the other end of the telephone line?

I’ve been working telemarketing for only a week and already I’ve had more filthier mouthed, dirty minded, perverts on the telephone that I even imagined existed, in the first place. I can’t help but be amazed at the number of grown men who have a childish need to just be filthy and perverted!

I know that all men are not like this, but the numbers that are is still mind boggling and they are giving the rest of the male population a horrible name and reputation.

You know, when one is working this kind of job, you expect to get the occasional kid making a prank call, but to have some sick minded pervert call every night, sometimes as many as four and five different sick individuals is just down right disgusting. Women do not and never have conducted themselves this way and I doubt that any ever would. What is it about some men that make them such sicko’s?

It’s a shame, really, that so many men have this uncontrollable urge to say things to faceless, nameless women on the telephones who are simply trying to make a living to feed their families? These are the very same sick jerks who would want to flatten another guy for saying the very same things to his wife, girlfriend, sister or mother. These perverts on the telephone need to remember that the unsuspecting woman they are insulting on the other end of the phone is also someone’s wife, girlfriend, sister or mother.

It definitely makes it hard for me to separate. I want to put all men into the same category of the sick and perverted although my intellect tells me that it is only a select few that are behaving like cave dwellers with the morals of scum, it’s still very hard not to put each male that I come in contact with on the other end of the telephone in that same category as the rodents I am forced to hang up on so many times each night. I am as ashamed of then as the women who gave birth to them would be and I only thank God that I am not dependent on this same garbage for anything that I require.

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