Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Let's Make Judges Be Held Accountable

I'm sitting here watching Oprah's show today and like her, I am also mad as hell over what this country accepts when it comes to NOT protecting our children. Oprah says that we have to change the laws and demand that if a man is caught molesting a child the FIRST time then he needs to be sentenced to life in prison. We all know that this never happens and all too soon these sick perverts are let out to roam the streets and do it over and over again. She's told of men who have rap sheets miles long and of children who have been killed by men who have
been convicted over and over again. She asks the question, "Why are they not in prison?" The answer is as simple as the solution to the problem. It's the JUDGES that sit on the benches who allow these guys out of prison and then, when they kill again and agin they defend themselves by saying, "I had no idea of the seriousness of the problem." But then that judge is not held accountable. I say that the judges who allow the child molesters out of prison, especially before they finish out their sentences, SHOULD be held accountable and they themselves should be sentences to jail for ACCESSORY TO MURDER! If we would demand that the judges that allow these men out of jail be held accountable, then I guarantee you that no more would be allowed out before they have served their entire sentences. No more would we have the problem of child rape and murder running rampant the way it is. And unless and until people stand up and MAKE our lawmakers and our judges be held accountable for their irresponsible actions, it will not stop. Laws will never be changed. As much as we tell our Senators and Representatives to vote the way we tell them too, once they get to Washington, they do what they want. They vote whichever way their party wants them to vote. America has no say anymore. But if we will DEMAND that ALL people, no matter who they are, be held accountable, then and only then will we see change in this country and then our children will be protected.
Reprinted from "Read Reka's View"

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