Thursday, May 26, 2005

U.S. 'Thumbs Its Nose' at Rights, Amnesty Says - New York Times

U.S. 'Thumbs Its Nose' at Rights, Amnesty Says - New York Times

Ya' know, when things like this are written in The New York Times, it's time to sit up and take notice. Whether this entire artice is true or not, is not the point. What IS the point, however, is that we all know that part of it IS true. Part of it, at least, IS factual; and one thing is for sure, NONE of it is what this country stands for.

The White House might "dismiss the accusations as ridiculous and unfounded" all they want, but the truth is that the people that are dismissing them have not BEEN to the prisons and have NOT seen what is going on. They have no way of knowing what they are talking about. Which, by the way, is, I believe, the proper M.O. for a government official. As long as you don;t know what you are talking about but can sound convincing enough saying anything to the contrary, you are preceeved as being "in the know." That's what is so great about this country; it has the greatest politicians money can buy. Isn't that what used to be said about La. politicians? Well, the rest of the country took a lesson from the good ole boys down in da bayou. They went and got themselves bought as well, it looks like to me.

This story is sickening, mostly because we all know it's true. We ALL know that no matter what this country does to show the public how compassionate we are, as long as this administration is in Washington, we are nothing more than a country full of Saddam Huessians. Simply because we are not going into private homes and yanking citizens out and beating them in the streets.....yet, means nothing. Only that they haven't figured out how to get away with it yet. But let this lunatic stay in office much longer and he'll figure it out. He's already figured out how to censor the news in his favor. However, it's gotten him NOWHERE. The rest of the world has known for a long time what he is and his own country, who should have been the first to know, is slowly catching on. I am so ashamed of myself for ever being a supporter of this hate monger in the start. But, he pulled the wool over my eyes with his talk of "family values" and "morals" HA! What a joke he is!

I only pray that the Democrats can produce a viable candidate for President and quit pushing that idiot woman...or should I say thieving woman and find a REAL candidate so that we can FINALLY have someone on the White House who DESERVES to be there. Let's face it, Hillary has already taken everything she wants from there and the thngs she had to give back, that she stole when she left, are going to be nailed down if she's ever allowed back in. No, I'm talking a REAL candidate. Someone who is willing to stand up for the little guy and not line their own pockets and not make the American People look like idiots by telling them that God has talked to them. If God told George that He wanted him to be president, then He told me that He wanted me to be First Lady, so how come I am not living it up in the White House?? I guess God only speaks to the really moral folks, huh? LOL Right...and I'm a chineese midwife too, folks.

Just read the article, then feel your embarrassment. We are the laughing stock of the world and we know why, too. Will somebody clue George in? PLEASE.

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