Thursday, May 26, 2005

Finally, Something Smart Said in Legislature Session - Creators Syndicate

I just read this column by Molly Ivins, found at the above web-site. It was posted in the comments section at Rosie's blog. The Texas representative, Senfronia Thompson, from Houston is apparently one very smart woman. She is evidently interested in GOVERNMENT, something the Texas legislature is obviously NOT, according to the post in question. To put it bluntly; the crap that the Texas Legislature is wasting their time on is sinful and there should be a LAW PASSED on this kind of time wasting garbage. I cannot believe the things this government has done in the name of morals and so called family values. It makes me sick. The next 3 and one half years cannot pass quickly enough for me so that this pitiful excuse for a "moral family man" gets his high and mighty ass out of the White House! George Bush is a joke and is making a mockery out of "family values." I am sick and tired of him walking around thinking he is so much better than everybody else and passing judgement on others and then having the unmittigated gall to tell the American public that he reads the Bible!? He might read it but reading and understanding are two entirely different things!

I pray that someone has the good sense to make damn sure he sees Ms. Thompson's comments and also that someone has the good sense to PUBLICALLY applaud this woman for her efforts. The idiots in the Texas legislature paid her no attention because they passed their hate-ridden bill. How dispicable! So they are proud of themselves for destroying homes, breaking up families and tearing apart peoples lives, all in the name of "family values." Whoopee for them. I hope some of their own familes are caught up in the cross fire one day so that they can know how it feels to be hurt by their own legislation. One day all of this will come back and bite each one of them in the ass.

And George actually thinks he is doing God's work. Who told him that God needed help is what I would like to know? And we, as American people with brains in our heads, elected a man who said publically that God spoke to him? If it were anyone else we would have put him in the funny farm! I think old George is still hitting the sauce and had a vision one night where he got Satan confussed with the Lord.

Read this post, folks, then tell me if we are not in serious trouble as a nation with this lunatic in office. At one time I thought he was the lesser of the two evils. Oh how wrong and stupid I was. The other evil would have at least let me live in my own home and drive my own car! This greed factory thinks my less then $1000 a month is TOO much money to raise a kid on!! But he's going to fix that, he's going to take away paert of my disability pay. The medical profession is allowed to cripple me and the government is allowed to force me to live in poverty. What a country, huh? Oh yeah, what a country.

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