Sunday, August 13, 2017

Going Backwards or Putting the Past Behind Me

I have let Lynn back into my life against the judgement of everyone I know. She also has to keep this from Brod right now. She says she is going to tell him but I feel like she is about as anxious to tell him as I am to tell Faye and Kristi. We have promised to take it slow and see where it goes. I know I won't allow her to hurt me like that again. But I am very happy that we have made peace.

Lynn is nit the only one that I have made peace with. Mary Lou ad I have also made up. And Shea is livid over it. But that's her problem. She pissed me off so bad last night I could not believe it. She knew how much pain I was in. She SAW how much pain I was in. I asked her if I could get a couple f pain pills from her to make it thru the night and she told me no that she does not believe in pills, so I could just suffer. I think she knew I was pissed because I didn't hear from her today but he aggravate Faye on the phone all day. Faye think she wanted to come over so she could complain about me. I almost feel sorry for her if she is stupid enough to run me down to my sister. Faye will chew her up and spit her out FAST! aS MUCH AS i LIKE Shea I am tired of her telling me what to do, say, how to dress and decorate my apt. And her opinion is the ONLY opinion.

I reached out to Kenny the other day and invited him out to dinner. I hope he takes me up on it but who knows. funny, the things a person will do out of loneliness.

I am trying hard to be a more forgiving person, a better person, a more tolerant person. I have so much room for change that I have  a hell of a nerve to criticize anyone else. That is a horrible habit that I want to break. I guess maybe God really isn't;t finished with me yet.
And I want to live for a very long time. I want to see Evelyn grow up and I want to hold a great grandchild. But I most definitely do not want to be a burden to anyone so I have to learn  my limitations and be much more careful with myself.

For the first time in 6 weeks today was a good day. It's the first day that I have felt human. I pray it is the same tomorrow.

This has been a god conversation with myself and I look forward to many more of them.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

My Memories

I just finished playing with a brand new product. Well, brand new to me anyway. I don't know how long it's been around. Recently, I received an invitation to try out a product called My Memories and I was not disappointed. It's a scrapbook that you make on your computer. You can leave it there, you can upload it to a DVD and you can also have a print version. It's an incredible product and so easy to use. I could teach my granddaughter to use it.  (But then kids today are so much better at computers than we are, that's not saying a whole lot, is it?) Let me get back to this product before I get sidetracked and end up telling you all about my perfect granddaughter!

I've just finished my first album and while I am positive that it's not awesome,it ain't bad. And I know I will get better. I really want to show you, too, but I still have to learn how to do that. There is also a program where I can give you a discount for your own album, but again, I have to research. In the meantime, check   out that website  There is a free trial version that you can play with until I can get the details posted here.

I hope you'll check it out and then I hope you'll come back here and join the program. I  promise you won't be sorry. MyMemories Suite has really hit upon a great I am completely in favor of!  

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

A 50 Year Old Friendship

First of all, I have to say that it's about time I finally decided to post again. I mean it's only been 14 months! How ridiculous is that? Surely, something has happened in the past 14 months that has made me feel strong enough to blog. Oh well, I definitely have something now. And I definitely feel strongly about it, too.
This year I will have been friends with  Cheryl, who I met in fourth grade, for 50years. That's right, count 'em. I said fifty years. WOW  Damn right that's a WOW. That's nearly a lifetime.  And let  me tell you, would have been one dull and boring lifetime without my BestBud and favorite sidekick. She and I have sure had some great times,too. We were kids in the same classroom when we first met. She sat behind me and would pull my hair when she wanted my attentiom; like when she needed a pencil,or wanted  to know the answer  the question the teacher asked, or whenever she just wanted to let me know she was still there. Like Icould forget. During the summer I would generally spend the majority of it at her house. We'd stay awake until all hours of the night playing games, either board games, Barbies, cards or different make believe games we wouldmake up. As we got older some of those nights were spent sneaking out her bedroom window, confident our escapades would never be found out. And we were right until thatone night when we were wrong. Her mother came driving right up tothe corner where we were with several other kids rolling a house. As hard as we begged the ground would not open up and devour us right then and there. We were in big trouble and we knew it. We were not disappointed either. When she pulled up she looked at both of us and said simply,"Get in." She did not sayone word on the way back to her house and neither  did we. She did make sure she was first to the door as we entered the house so we had to pass her. She was not going to make this easy on either one of us. And as bad as I did not want to feel her wrath, the last place I wanted to be was home because I knew that whatever fate I suffered at her hands would be a lot less than I would suffer at home and at the hands of my own mother. At least I got out of this without getting smacked.
Another time we were together we took two guys from Mississippi out in the big city of New Orleans. These two poor countryboys had never seen anything like we showed then that night. I almost feel sorry for them when I think back  on that today.
Needless to  say, whether we were little kids or teenagers, when we got together we were a handful. And we still had adulthood to go.
Of course things calmed down considerably after we had kids. The time we spent together was alot more tame. And later after we were both grandmothers, we once again spent the night at her mother's house and we talkedabout thise early days with her. Her memory was prettygood too. She seemed to remember the things we did,sometimesbetter than we did.
And this year marks fifty years since that Septemberday in 1963 when I  first  got my hair  pulled  and heard, "Hey!"  Little did I know then but that was the day that my life  was  changed  forever. And  boy am I glad that it was.
I love you, dear one. And can't  imagine  life  without you in  it. And  I and so happy that I  have  never  had  to!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Dancing With the Stars Crapola!

The country has gone insane! Everybody has lost their minds. Some fool has even landed himself in jail because Bristol Pailen has made it to the finals. Seriously, the idiot shot up his television, pointed the gun at his wife and held a SWAT Team off for 15 hours. Of course his wife said he was drunk so that excuses it, right? And why shouldn't it? everyone can act like complete ignorant fools and blame it on drinking and that makes it alright. I'm sorry but the people who are so pissed off that they can't see straight all because this poised young woman has worked her ass off and made it to the finals need to get a grip and GROW UP!! The have the nerve to insult this young woman byy saying that it's all political. give me a break! And if it IS political then they are pissed off because they have realized that if this is true then her mother is completely capable of beating the idiot that is now in the White House. In fact, the more i think about it, the more convinced I am that this is what everyone is so upset about. They have realized, assuming that Bristol is still on Dancing With the Stars because of the Tea Party, that Sarah Pailen CAN win the White House in 2012! This is what the problem's called FEAR! And I think this is hysterical.
Of course these days it seems completely acceptable for people to act like spoiled children if the candidate they back does not win the presidential election. And it bagan with George Bush in 2000 when he lost the election but contested it and was then elected by the Supreme Court whom his father had stacked when he was in office. I say this, not because I was against george Bush, on the contrary, I was a Bush backer, but I do not believe that what he did was right. And he set the precident for all the temper tantrums and the divided country that we have had since then.
This kind of behavior is silly, ridiculous and chhildish and someone somewhere has got to do something to bring this country back together. When we stoop to picking on a 20 year old young woman who is simply dancing, it is clear that we are in BIG trouble.
Every person in the country, especially the political pundants have made a television show that is supposed to be for entertainment, poloitcal. And I, for one, am sick of it! Am I the only grown up in the entire country? Give me a break!! People act like bristol physically knocked poor little brandy off her throne and that is NOT the case. No one is stuffing the ballot boxes, and if any one is "cheating" then it is very few.
Please people GROW UP! GET A LIFE! And STOP, STOP,STOP!! enough is enough. You are all acting like you need a time out for about 19 years. Is this crap really going to start a civil war? I am beginning to believe that it is capable and that is a very very sad state of affairs.

Friday, October 15, 2010

The Ladies of "The View" & yesterday's Show

I want everyone to see the way that Whoopi Goldbery and Joy Behar behaved on The View yesterday when bill O'Riley was their guest (although, admittedly, you'd have to be living under a rock or deep in a cave to not have heard about it by now). I was completely shocked at the childishness and blatant rudeness of both of these woman. The whole thing was totally and completely ridiculous! In my opinion, the two of them got all upset because O'Riley referred to the murderers who killed thousands of people on 9/11 as "Muslims" instead of using the so called politically correct term, "Extremist Muslims."  These two women need to BOTH put on their big girl panties and behave like the adults they are supposed to be.

In the first place, O'Riley was a GUEST on THEIR show and for them to get up, yell at him and then walk off the stage was the height of rudeness and ignorance. That's right, they are both ignorant, in my opinion. And by the way, thumbs up to Barbara for speaking out against her co-stars behavior. Even she criticized them for their ridiculous behavior.

A few minutes later, after he corrected himself and made it clear that he was not talking about ALL Muslims, which anyone with half a brain knew in the first place, both women returned and Joy said it was because he apologized. I do not believe that for one moment and I doubt he or anyone else did either. I think it is obvious that the Producers of the show told them both to get their asses back out there or suffer the consequences, which I hope was the threat of losing their jobs. But then, even after they returned, Whoopie sat there, like a spoiled child with a scowl on her face and refused to open her otherwise big mouth. HOW CHILDISH can you GET?? Nevermind, that's a dumb question because she showed how childish she could get and I think her actions were a disgrace.

I can only hope that when the show went off the air both women got an earful from their boss and were taught some manners so that no guest is ever subjected to that kink of rudeness again. You just do NOT invite a guest on your show and then, if they say something you don't agree with, you NEVER yell at them and storm off the stage. I would have thought that both of these women already knew the simple rules of etiquette, but obviously I was wrong. I only hope that since their disgraceful behavior on yesterday's show, they have both been schooled in a little class and grace. And I also hope that from now on they wear their big girl panties when they are hosting the show.