Friday, October 15, 2010

The Ladies of "The View" & yesterday's Show

I want everyone to see the way that Whoopi Goldbery and Joy Behar behaved on The View yesterday when bill O'Riley was their guest (although, admittedly, you'd have to be living under a rock or deep in a cave to not have heard about it by now). I was completely shocked at the childishness and blatant rudeness of both of these woman. The whole thing was totally and completely ridiculous! In my opinion, the two of them got all upset because O'Riley referred to the murderers who killed thousands of people on 9/11 as "Muslims" instead of using the so called politically correct term, "Extremist Muslims."  These two women need to BOTH put on their big girl panties and behave like the adults they are supposed to be.

In the first place, O'Riley was a GUEST on THEIR show and for them to get up, yell at him and then walk off the stage was the height of rudeness and ignorance. That's right, they are both ignorant, in my opinion. And by the way, thumbs up to Barbara for speaking out against her co-stars behavior. Even she criticized them for their ridiculous behavior.

A few minutes later, after he corrected himself and made it clear that he was not talking about ALL Muslims, which anyone with half a brain knew in the first place, both women returned and Joy said it was because he apologized. I do not believe that for one moment and I doubt he or anyone else did either. I think it is obvious that the Producers of the show told them both to get their asses back out there or suffer the consequences, which I hope was the threat of losing their jobs. But then, even after they returned, Whoopie sat there, like a spoiled child with a scowl on her face and refused to open her otherwise big mouth. HOW CHILDISH can you GET?? Nevermind, that's a dumb question because she showed how childish she could get and I think her actions were a disgrace.

I can only hope that when the show went off the air both women got an earful from their boss and were taught some manners so that no guest is ever subjected to that kink of rudeness again. You just do NOT invite a guest on your show and then, if they say something you don't agree with, you NEVER yell at them and storm off the stage. I would have thought that both of these women already knew the simple rules of etiquette, but obviously I was wrong. I only hope that since their disgraceful behavior on yesterday's show, they have both been schooled in a little class and grace. And I also hope that from now on they wear their big girl panties when they are hosting the show. 

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