Sunday, March 24, 2013

My Memories

I just finished playing with a brand new product. Well, brand new to me anyway. I don't know how long it's been around. Recently, I received an invitation to try out a product called My Memories and I was not disappointed. It's a scrapbook that you make on your computer. You can leave it there, you can upload it to a DVD and you can also have a print version. It's an incredible product and so easy to use. I could teach my granddaughter to use it.  (But then kids today are so much better at computers than we are, that's not saying a whole lot, is it?) Let me get back to this product before I get sidetracked and end up telling you all about my perfect granddaughter!

I've just finished my first album and while I am positive that it's not awesome,it ain't bad. And I know I will get better. I really want to show you, too, but I still have to learn how to do that. There is also a program where I can give you a discount for your own album, but again, I have to research. In the meantime, check   out that website  There is a free trial version that you can play with until I can get the details posted here.

I hope you'll check it out and then I hope you'll come back here and join the program. I  promise you won't be sorry. MyMemories Suite has really hit upon a great I am completely in favor of!  

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