Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Dancing With the Stars Crapola!

The country has gone insane! Everybody has lost their minds. Some fool has even landed himself in jail because Bristol Pailen has made it to the finals. Seriously, the idiot shot up his television, pointed the gun at his wife and held a SWAT Team off for 15 hours. Of course his wife said he was drunk so that excuses it, right? And why shouldn't it? everyone can act like complete ignorant fools and blame it on drinking and that makes it alright. I'm sorry but the people who are so pissed off that they can't see straight all because this poised young woman has worked her ass off and made it to the finals need to get a grip and GROW UP!! The have the nerve to insult this young woman byy saying that it's all political. give me a break! And if it IS political then they are pissed off because they have realized that if this is true then her mother is completely capable of beating the idiot that is now in the White House. In fact, the more i think about it, the more convinced I am that this is what everyone is so upset about. They have realized, assuming that Bristol is still on Dancing With the Stars because of the Tea Party, that Sarah Pailen CAN win the White House in 2012! This is what the problem's called FEAR! And I think this is hysterical.
Of course these days it seems completely acceptable for people to act like spoiled children if the candidate they back does not win the presidential election. And it bagan with George Bush in 2000 when he lost the election but contested it and was then elected by the Supreme Court whom his father had stacked when he was in office. I say this, not because I was against george Bush, on the contrary, I was a Bush backer, but I do not believe that what he did was right. And he set the precident for all the temper tantrums and the divided country that we have had since then.
This kind of behavior is silly, ridiculous and chhildish and someone somewhere has got to do something to bring this country back together. When we stoop to picking on a 20 year old young woman who is simply dancing, it is clear that we are in BIG trouble.
Every person in the country, especially the political pundants have made a television show that is supposed to be for entertainment, poloitcal. And I, for one, am sick of it! Am I the only grown up in the entire country? Give me a break!! People act like bristol physically knocked poor little brandy off her throne and that is NOT the case. No one is stuffing the ballot boxes, and if any one is "cheating" then it is very few.
Please people GROW UP! GET A LIFE! And STOP, STOP,STOP!! enough is enough. You are all acting like you need a time out for about 19 years. Is this crap really going to start a civil war? I am beginning to believe that it is capable and that is a very very sad state of affairs.