Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Things I've Learned About Growing Older

It's been a long time since I have posted to any blog. In fact, it looks like I have sat out an entire year and this amazes me because blogging is something that I love doing so much. I guess maybe I have felt that I've not had much to say this past year, although I was pretty vocal about this past Presidential campaign.

I now have some new thoughts about growing older, since I find myself aging rapidly. Growing older is definitely not in the "Things I Want To Do This Summer" category. And I don't see this as anything I would recommend that you look forward to. However, it is inevitable. We can't help but grow older if we continue to live. growing older does have a few perks. With age a person cannot help but gain wisdom. The longer we inhabit this planet, the more we learn and with learning comes wisdom. One just naturally follows the other. Another good point about growing older is that most people afford you a certain amount of respect and hey, there's nothing wrong with that. But there are several things about growing older that just chap my butt and that's what I want to write about.