Friday, August 04, 2006

Trying Again

Well, I'm on another conference call woth another prospect for Melaleuca. This time I am helping one of Chrissy's enrollments to train. I hope that we can sign this woman. It will mean the end of my slump as well as an enrollment for her. I need this one to restore my confidence. I have not been able to enroll ONE single person, with the exception of a few people that I know, on my own. I need to be able to do this. I'm not understanding why it is so hard, either. We have a great product here. It can be a huge help to people and once they try it, they love it. I just cannot understand how some people can go so far with this company and why I can't seem to get a single enrollment. I have Eric working. Big Whoop. Eric has absolutely no motovation and will never make me a cent, much less himself. I haven't even heard from him in weeks. Why can't I find that business builder who is as gung ho as I am? I know that they are out there. They have to be. I am advertising every place that I can think of. Well, except ehre. I don't have a link here. I wonder if it would do any good. Is anyone in the general public reading my blog and would anyone be interested in working from home and the possibility of making MEGA bucks? You really can make money with this business. I've seen it done. You have to work at it, yes. But it's fun, it's educational, you meet so many great people and you never have to get out of your jammies! I just can't figure people out. Like I said, the product is great! It workd wonderfully well, plus its good for you! You are not spending any new money, you are just redirecting your spending. This is really the truth too. I am not buying anything that I have never bought before. I am just not spending it at the grocery store. The upside is that I am not running out of anything either. Why can I not convey this to others in a way that will make them want to give this stuff a try. And once you try it, you will love it! Cindy didn't but then I doubt if Cindy can be pleased with it is something that she is not doing first. She decided that it was a scam and you shouldn't have to buy each month. You have to buy laundry soap each month, don't you? You have to buy toilet paper each month, don't you? And shampoo and toothpaste? Well, you simply buy them from Mela and earn money while you are doing it! Whats so hard about that? I just don't get it. I have been working my butt off since March and I cannot seem to do it. I am becoming so discouraged, but I can't quit. I just can't. I believe in this product and I will not do it to Lori. Lori has been so good to me since I signed up. She is an unbelievable mentor. She goes out of her way for me everyday! So I have got to stick with it. I know that somewhere out there I am going ot find a couple of business builders that want to work as hard as I do. Maybe someone reading this will wake up and say, hey, let me give this awesome business opportunity a try.
They would be so happy that they did. I mean where else can you start a home business for 29 bucks?
The call is almost over so it's time for me to go to work. Please let me sign this woman!